
Can't hear partner's requests in Bughouse


Just yesterday, playing in a Bug tourney, at the start of the game I dutifully clicked the icon to make my partner's requests audible. (This helps a bunch; if I'm focused on a tough position, I might not notice that my Pard's telling me to "Stall!" or whatever. If sound is on, I hear it. And I can comply.)

But…no sound. Nada. I hear the sound of the moves taking place, so it's not as though I have sound off generally. My speakers are working fine. But I'm not hearing my partner!
(Same thing this morning, on a different machine.

Both times, I entered the events through "Play," not "Live." I mean, better get used to it, as "Live" is going bye-bye. Is there a bug, whereby "Play" doesn't allow one to hear his pard's requests?

Is anyone else noticing this bug/feature/problem? All y'all experienced Buggers understand the essential nature of being informed of what a partner wants / doesn't want. It can easily make all the difference in a game.

And why doesn't allow one to globally opt to hear partner's requests, via a Setting? Then I wouldn't have to waste a precious second at the beginning of the first game to set that.


hi friend, change ur browser, maybe it work, i use Chrome and all ok without any problem, also with Firefox and Opera is ok too, btw change ur browser and test it


I'll try that.
Using Firefox on both machines (though on one machine it's Linux--don't ask me why, LOL).


Still works for me in Live. Just not in Play.

That's weird.