
Can we please un-normalize leaving half-game or as soon as you make a mistake?


Lately, most people I have played with have left half-way into the game. Or as soon as it looks like they made a mistake, I ate their queen, or they were winning and now they might lose, etc. 

Chess is a GAME therefore sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The point is sticking to it regardless, and just having fun learning. It can happen that one has a good reason to leave, we are playing online and something can interrupt. But leaving for no valid reason is just disrespectful towards the person who is playing with you. It doesn't matter that that person is on the other side of the world, we are still all real people apart from occasional bots I believe?

It would be helpful if detracted more points for abandoning the game, which I'm sure would be a deterrent for many people. But it's just sad.

Thank you

sofiae123 wrote:

Lately, most people I have played with have left half-way into the game. Or as soon as it looks like they made a mistake, I ate their queen, or they were winning and now they might lose, etc.

Chess is a GAME therefore sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The point is sticking to it regardless, and just having fun learning. It can happen that one has a good reason to leave, we are playing online and something can interrupt. But leaving for no valid reason is just disrespectful towards the person who is playing with you. It doesn't matter that that person is on the other side of the world, we are still all real people apart from occasional bots I believe?

It would be helpful if detracted more points for abandoning the game, which I'm sure would be a deterrent for many people. But it's just sad.

Thank you

Nobody want's to play an endgame where the opposing side is clearly winning, that's why there is the option to resign.

Sure, I get the idea of "Never resign, you might have a chance!" but that only applies to lower level players. Resigning is an option for all players, and most players choose to play onto their next game, instead of playing out an already lost game.

Chess is a brutal game for both sides.

You are soooo wrong Sofia. Wasting time on a game you’re not going to win is ridiculous and stupid. The point is when you are behind and you’re losing and have lost that you resign so as to not waste people the adults on this site time it’s the freaking protocol the fact that no one follows it and that you are the opposite of it just proves why this is the worst site to play chess on . Please quit and go somewhere else.

Resigning or not is really situation-dependent. Level of players, position, likelihood of a draw...etc. so like my answer to boxers or briefs depends

sofiae123 wrote:

Lately, most people I have played with have left half-way into the game. Or as soon as it looks like they made a mistake, I ate their queen, or they were winning and now they might lose, etc.

Chess is a GAME therefore sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The point is sticking to it regardless, and just having fun learning. It can happen that one has a good reason to leave, we are playing online and something can interrupt. But leaving for no valid reason is just disrespectful towards the person who is playing with you. It doesn't matter that that person is on the other side of the world, we are still all real people apart from occasional bots I believe?

It would be helpful if detracted more points for abandoning the game, which I'm sure would be a deterrent for many people. But it's just sad.

Thank you

Are they leaving by resigning, or just letting the time tick down until ends the game?


I'm not sure why anyone would, at say 1000+ rating, continue playing if they say, lose their queen early on. When I do that, I literally feel my stress level increasing. It's healthier to move on to the next game IMHO


If they resign, you win so i'm not sure i see the issue here.
Stalling is not fair play and you should report it if they do.
That's it. People have the right to resign whenever they want to.


I'd say it all depends on how you resign.


IGM are able to see many moves ahead what is going to happen. At my level, I often just cant get why GM resign, but clearly I dont have their insight. I tend never to resign : first, for the game spirit, second because at my modest level there is a good chance that my same-Elo-level-opponent makes as many mistakes as I do and I still can win, and finally because we can always go back to the games we play, see our mistakes and learn. But having to resign, good manners require you should tell so to your opponent before. Otherwise it is kind of rude.


Everyone says that, then, they play 5000+ games on here and realize how many hours of their life they will never get back by grinding out loss after loss


Let's sue and behead everyone who's not doing as it suits me and my ideas.

Let's begin with those who won't resign and make me waste my time playing on a game at +9



I'd prefer to keep this out of the courts.


I usually get why GMs resign.

Its not a skill of "seeing many moves ahead" though. Its pattern recognition.

"He will convert this pawn and have an extra queen"

"He cant avoid checkmate, or only at a high material loss"


Seeing many moves ahead is possible, too, but takes time. Pattern recognition is how you can know it in an instant.


Honestly what your describing is not normal I have never had it happen 1200 elo plus I think at 500 elo level alot of players don't realy care so they just leave the game when they blunder/rage quit usualy after loosing a queen even tho being down a queen means nothing at 500 elo (I feel bad for you lol)


I know at certain levels of chess NOT resigning is considered annoying and perhaps bad etiquette, especially if it's as bad as losing a queen. Even a lowly player like me will resign if it's completely lost, or sometimes if I blunder and I know I'll be tilted. It's the reason for the resign button. If someone resigns against me at any point of the game I gladly take the win. If it's a matter of the game being abandoned and basically stalled until the site shuts off the game, I clearly see where you are coming from. A player should just resign rather than waste their opponent's time.


Honestly idm people resigning mid game if I'm winning because I can move on to the next game faster and gain more elo per session, and stops me choking when I'm failing to find the obvious checkmate


No, I don't get anything out of playing a losing game, so what's the point? To feed your ego?


Different people feel differently about resigning.

Get used to it.