
change in automatic pairing rules?

I apologize if I missed an announcement about this, but was there a major change recently in the parameters of automatic pairing in the 5/0 and other pools? It used to be the case that almost all of my games would be with players rated plus or minus 200 points from me. Now, about 20% of my pairings seem like they are completely random, with rating differences sometimes over 1000 points. Was this intended ? If so, does anyone know the reason for the change? I really don’t like it, but perhaps I am in the minority.
finec2 wrote:
I apologize if I missed an announcement about this, but was there a major change recently in the parameters of automatic pairing in the 5/0 and other pools? It used to be the case that almost all of my games would be with players rated plus or minus 200 points from me. Now, about 20% of my pairings seem like they are completely random, with rating differences sometimes over 1000 points. Was this intended ? If so, does anyone know the reason for the change? I really don’t like it, but perhaps I am in the minority.

Check your settings. It's possible they got reset.

Thanks, that worked. I never used those settings before and it has just worked automatically. Now I see the restrictions when I join the pool, which was not the case before. But it works.
Or maybe I just didn’t notice it before!