
Has anyone ever beat the "Maximum" 3200 bot?


Is it even possible? 

It’s not impossible- you just need to strategise against it and think about your moves. You could try and go for a fast checkmate but I doubt it will work

just play the maximum  bot in a bullet match and try to flag the maximum bot, thats how i won against maximum bot


It's not possible without Some AI assistance yourself or cheesing it by for example locking the position down by avoiding pawn exchanges. 

If you just play a game of chess, you will never beat it, It's too strong. There's a reason its rated 400 rating points higher over the highest rated human player ever.


Soniasthetics wrote:

It's not possible without Some AI assistance yourself or cheesing it by for example locking the position down by avoiding pawn exchanges. 

If you just play a game of chess, you will never beat it, It's too strong. There's a reason its rated 400 rating points higher over the highest rated human player ever.


maximum bot is just komodo with lower rating. Give some super GM 2 hours to think, a comfy place, and something to eat, and im sure the super GM can draw or maybe even beat maximum

I managed to beat it a few days ago, by playing the little known “ Woolly Gambit “ a crucial moment in the game , it seemed to dither as if it didn’t know exactly what to do, which cost it the game ! Happy.png ✌️😎
Woollensock2 wrote:
I managed to beat it a few days ago, by playing the little known “ Woolly Gambit “ a crucial moment in the game , it seemed to dither as if it didn’t know exactly what to do, which cost it the game ! Happy.png ✌️😎

mind showing us the wooly gambit?

I’m sorry but I can’t do that , it must remain a secret know only to yours truly ✌️😎
Soniasthetics wrote:

It's not possible without Some AI assistance yourself or cheesing it by for example locking the position down by avoiding pawn exchanges. 

If you just play a game of chess, you will never beat it, It's too strong. There's a reason its rated 400 rating points higher over the highest rated human player ever.


Closed positions is still real chess.

AunTheKnight wrote:
Soniasthetics wrote:

It's not possible without Some AI assistance yourself or cheesing it by for example locking the position down by avoiding pawn exchanges. 

If you just play a game of chess, you will never beat it, It's too strong. There's a reason its rated 400 rating points higher over the highest rated human player ever.


Closed positions is still real chess.

im pretty sure any super GM can maybe draw or even beat it

BlueMoon12311 wrote:

Yup I did once


i did twice and i can do it a third time


yes in 1 min

AunTheKnight wrote:
Soniasthetics wrote:

It's not possible without Some AI assistance yourself or cheesing it by for example locking the position down by avoiding pawn exchanges. 

If you just play a game of chess, you will never beat it, It's too strong. There's a reason its rated 400 rating points higher over the highest rated human player ever.


Closed positions is still real chess.

Yes but you're just cheesing the engine, because it's a well known weakness. anyway i don't think the average chess player can win even in a closed position. 





Atharvassundee wrote:

because one time i captured all of hikaru bots pieces and if he were a normal person he would resign but he didn't


Hikaru wouldn’t resign to anybody below 2000.

ChesswithNickolay wrote:
XGreenBeanY wrote:
It’s not impossible- you just need to strategise against it and think about your moves. You could try and go for a fast checkmate but I doubt it will work

Nah, you cannot win, but you can draw it. Or you can play with time.

Or play the Hippo and close the position.

Soniasthetics wrote:
AunTheKnight wrote:
Soniasthetics wrote:

It's not possible without Some AI assistance yourself or cheesing it by for example locking the position down by avoiding pawn exchanges. 

If you just play a game of chess, you will never beat it, It's too strong. There's a reason its rated 400 rating points higher over the highest rated human player ever.


Closed positions is still real chess.

Yes but you're just cheesing the engine, because it's a well known weakness. anyway i don't think the average chess player can win even in a closed position. 



True. It’s very difficult.



I have done it. Please find the link of analysis. And its possible...!!!


Thanks & Regards,



Yes, watch thepictallguy

