
HELP ME PLEASE: Play Against the Computers!


hey all! we're trying to tune our new PLAY AGAINST THE COMPUTER in the live chess area. we have 3 computers in there (easy, medium, hard). i need some people to play them and let me know what you think of their strength!




I played the medium and was roundly beaten by an opponent who played very well and VERY quickly. Cry
ok. yeah. i think they still might be too hard, but we're still testing! :)

I beat easy once properly.  Another time it just timed out taking all its time on a nothing move when it was 2 pieces up.  Apart from that i lost Frown



I've only won 1 game against the computer.  It is hard and it doesn't give you enough time to make a move and look at what you're doing.  Also, it's dropped my piece in a spot I did not want it and it's really fast, it's sometimes hard to see where the computer made it's move. 


I beat the easy computer quite easily (it's one of those computers that plays Qd4, Qe4, Qf4, Qg4 etc. instead of making normal moves). The medium computer was tougher and made some strong moves, but also made some mistakes. After about 40 moves I finally got a winning position.  The hard computer also made the good moves but didn't make the mistakes the medium did make :( With a deep nice combination it beat me quite roughly.

I was playing the easy one and I won by timeout
The easy level seems to have improved some since a few months ago, which, if you havne't done anything to it, is a bit weird. Medium is fairly powerful.
have been playing easy as I'm a new player it moves fast but when I take my time we are pretty even I do better playing black but only here against computer. Ienjoy the practice alot ty
I can beat the easy no problem, matches with the medium go back and forth, and the hard...if I ever slip up, finds the hole and destroys me.  Come to think of it I get a pretty good whooping from the hard even if I don't mess up Frown
to me it doesn't work... when I challenge the computer I get like 10 boards and when I close them, the first one shows like 8 1.e4 moves... very very weird...

Beat easy and medium, expect if I took more time could beat hard too. And I'm just an average player.


I couldn't see any button to resign or offer a draw. Is that just me or are they really missing?


And yes, I agree, it moves too fast. Would be nice if squares were highlighted after its move.

For the people who can't tell what the last move was...just look at the top left corner of the board, it lists the moves
the medium got stuck after one of my moves and refused to move
Margreet wrote:

Beat easy and medium, expect if I took more time could beat hard too. And I'm just an average player.


I couldn't see any button to resign or offer a draw. Is that just me or are they really missing?


And yes, I agree, it moves too fast. Would be nice if squares were highlighted after its move.

I realised I simply played against the computer, not the live chess computer. I suppose the computer is the same, but the layout looks MUCH better!


sorry i was in wrong place

it does kinda just stop sometimes and runs out of time

as a side note 'You have chosen to play chess against a COMPUTER! Good luck!'

that sentence made me laugh out load

i played against the computer on hard it beat me but was down alot of materiel, the only problem i had was the pieces moved to fast and i could not tell were it moved to.


I think it's a good thing and it for shore it be very usefull ,

but for now may try put one easyest please.

team chess hi hi hi

love ... 


Their playing strenght is balanced very well imo, however, one should improve the board as a whole.

Tried to play Rxg6, instead it dropped of at g5 and was taken by a pawn.

Later I tried to play exf5 multiple times but it just refused to do it and i had to make some other move (yes it was possible)

Besides that, it seems to make a lot of fun and is now a real option to the correspondence chess even though there are rarely real opponents

easy level let the time run 2 of the 5 times i played it at 15/10