
How do people enjoy daily chess?


I have seen many people playing 100s of daily game simultaneously.also it is very easy to cheat on daily,u don't have to cheat from starting only when u have loosing position!

I enjoy it greatly as it gives me the leisure to analyze positions well, assuming my opponent doesn’t cheat.
playerunknown5 wrote:

I have seen many people playing 100s of daily game simultaneously.also it is very easy to cheat on daily,u don't have to cheat from starting only when u have loosing position!

Cheating is trivial in any time control that isn't bullet.

Dailies give ample time to analyze a position, very good for improving your play from what I understand. I worry about starting dailies and not having time to play one day and losing all dailies on time.

I don’t really like dailies either, it takes too long if I want to play a longer game I’ll play 15/10 or 30, dailies are still okay tho

Daily is too inhomogeneous. Some analyse for hours, some for seconds.


I don't think I've ever played it. Though after playing lots of bullet games I found 7 day games were impossible to play. I'd quickly lose track. My ADHD brain at work. Le sigh.

Daily is a great game mode for learning how to play chess. It doesn’t matter if your opponent is cheating or not, what’s important is that you are trying to play your best chess and reviewing your mistakes. If you treat it as an OTB game (don’t use the analysis board, opening explorer), It’s probably the best way to hone your chess skills and improve and doesn’t force you to sit and wait for your opponent to move while allowing you plenty of time when it’s your turn without the stress of a running clock.

@jg2648 yeah man I find that I get addicted to playing bullet games and it's not always the best way to learn new things.