
Tactics problem ratings?


Hey, did something change recently with these?

The problems that I saw used to have ratings in the range of 1800-2500. Today I looked at a few dozen and it seemed like the ratings of the puzzles were never higher than around 1900, and there were long streaks of them rated around 1650, 1800, etc.



OK, just some more data here indicating that something is screwy. If you look in my tactics history (which I understand is nothing to be proud of :-) ), you'll see a streak from #0031598 to #0039535 where I got them all right, but the ratings of the puzzles went down.

And I find it hard to believe that 0040266, a mate in three, is rated 1667. For the past few months, puzzles in the 1600 range were more like noticing that the enemy queen is hanging, and just taking it.

Something has definitely changed. I'm not familiar with how the rating system works for puzzles, but I do wonder if some of the incredibly high rated tacticians who never, ever get a problem wrong are somehow forcing down the ratings of the puzzles.

I do understand that none of this matters in real life. I'm just curious about what's going on.  :-)