
Courses I'd Like to See


This 'wishlist' is pretty dumb, because at my current rate of progress, I'll be well into my afterlife before I get halfway through the current content, but anyway...


A course I think would be cool would be one based on Silman's _The Amateur's Mind_ (such a great book).

Also, some short courses devoted to the games of folks like Morphy or Capablanca would be great edutainment.



Thank you for your iseas DeepGreene. We actually have a Chess Mentor course on Capablanca in the works which should be coming soon.


Sweet!  Thanks for the update. :)


I would love to see more endgame courses.particurally from Silman.This is an area where I could use alot of work and I want to challange my weak understanding in this phase of the game.


I'm trying to cut down my number of games to spend time watching the vids, doing the chess mentor courses and maybe even read some of my 60+ chess books.

Chess mentor is an excellent resource. Where I find it most useful is in endgame courses. Just finished the K+P endgame course and have completed the Silman Rook endings course. I intend to do them both again a few times, but would also appreciate a course with minor pieces and pawns and one with R vs minor pieces or R vs Q etc.

It's most annoying when valid moves are listed as incorrect instead of as viable alternatives. Is there anywhere we should report these? Sometimes it really doesn't matter to my technique if what I do takes one tempo more than the optimum! If it works and I can remember it then that's what counts!


I would like to see more courses on establishing plans of attack after the opening in the middle game.  Sometimes I play and have no idea what or where I should be attacking.  Really, Creating a plan of attack. I understand when the center is closed attack down the wings, but how do I decide which side to attack.   Queen or King?   What should I be thinking about when making these decisions.  The CM just kind of tells you that you should attack the king side bc...   I dont know what I should be thinking about in order to make that decision. 


I'd like to see a course on the Old Indian defence - it's one of the openings whose subtleties I just can't grasp. Besides, there's no dedicated literature on it.


On lesson 43 of Champion tactics Gm Wolff, Pins and Skewers.   Why not Qxc6, if Bxc6, Rxd8#, if not white wins a piece and threatens mate. 

The lesson has Rxd7 creating the pin but the D8 rook does not have to recapture, and Rc8 at least stalls the attack. 

Just curious if I am missisng something? 


This could be a chess mentor lesson in end games. 


I think a lot of players could benefit from courses on the actual theory in openings, if people really understood the theory behind their openings I think they would find it much easier to put mid game/end game studies to good use.