
Can Black win this position?


What does this exactly mean????Frown


@GSHAPIROY: Highly recommend studying simpler endgames first like K+P. NimzoRoy's blog is a good start. This one... it's a real doozy.

I wouldn't say I solved the first one, just stumbled around and missed all the key ideas by a hair. To think the g3 pawn loses for white! OK, now for the next challenge...

This, I guess? Only bit I'm not sure about is the pure R v B endgame, but white should be able to draw. Practical chances are very high that both sides would make mistakes in a real game, though.


@Remellion Congratulations - you solved it!


The full winning line from the original position is:


I don't know why, but looking at the position now, it reminds me of some famous endgame (by Fischer maybe ?). White's previous move was 1.Kg2-f3 ? which is a mistake because it allows the Black king to go to g4 (which is not the case after 1.Kg2-h3 !).

May I ask the source ?


@Irontiger Spot on with the Fischer reference.

The position is a might-have-been from game 11 of the Fischer-Reshevsky match (game 28 of My 60 Memorable Games). The faulty analysis is from that book.


And that is a pretty winning line. The king marches all the way around the pawns along the edge of the board! Just to force the white king to the d-file.