
KBNN vs K strategy?


How to checkmate a lone king with 1 bishop and 2 knights?

Checkmate with 2 bishops is easy and logical.

Checkmate with 2 knights is known impossibly to force.

Checkmate with bishop and knight is known possible - and notoriously hard to perform correctly.

Checkmate with 3 knights is known to be possible to force - but since it requires underpromotion, understandably rare.

With 2 bishops and 1 knight, since 2 bishop checkmate is easy and logical, the bishops can simply perform the 2 bishop checkmate and ignore/disuse the surplus knight.

But 1 bishop 2 knights? Since disusing a knight means the notoriously hard KBN checkmate, how can 2 knights best be coordinated for an easier and safer checkmate?


jsaepuru wrote:

How to checkmate a lone king with 1 bishop and 2 knights?

Checkmate with 2 bishops is easy and logical.

Checkmate with 2 knights is known impossibly to force.

Checkmate with bishop and knight is known possible - and notoriously hard to perform correctly.

Checkmate with 3 knights is known to be possible to force - but since it requires underpromotion, understandably rare.

With 2 bishops and 1 knight, since 2 bishop checkmate is easy and logical, the bishops can simply perform the 2 bishop checkmate and ignore/disuse the surplus knight.

But 1 bishop 2 knights? Since disusing a knight means the notoriously hard KBN checkmate, how can 2 knights best be coordinated for an easier and safer checkmate?

jsaepuru wrote: How to checkmate a lone king with 1 bishop and 2 knights?Checkmate with 2 bishops is easy and logical.Checkmate with 2 knights is known impossibly to force.Checkmate with bishop and knight is known possible - and notoriously hard to perform correctly.Checkmate with 3 knights is known to be possible to force - but since it requires underpromotion, understandably rare.With 2 bishops and 1 knight, since 2 bishop checkmate is easy and logical, the bishops can simply perform the 2 bishop checkmate and ignore/disuse the surplus knight.But 1 bishop 2 knights? Since disusing a knight means the notoriously hard KBN checkmate, how can 2 knights best be coordinated for an easier and safer checkmate?