
Pawn endgames example wanted...

SaharanKnight wrote:

So Kc5 definitely is the move....  (edit) but I think maybe White gets a draw with Kc4.

White loses with Ka3 or Ka4, wins with Kc5, and draws with all other first moves. After Kc5, White still has several more "only" moves to find, which is why I thought the OP would appreciate this example.

waffllemaster schreef:

I'm interested in finding some examples of pawn races where there are ways to speed up your promotion or slow down the other guy with precise moves.  I was mostly interested in the pattern of 40...g5 in the 3rd diagram which was not intuitive to me.  Patterns like this I can memorize would be nice.

Anyway here's one position I came across which contains a few examples in itself.

Your move 3... b4 works but you played it for the wrong reason. It simply gains a tempo by blocking the b-pawns in all variations which means that your original plan Kf3, Kxf2, Kxg3 is even better than g5.

3... b4 is precisely one of the slowdowns you were looking for and works universally for the pawn pattern on the left.