
R+5p versus R+4p


This position occured in one of my games tonight. It is quite an interesting endgame position i think. I have the black pieces and have an extra pawn. However, White takes the seventh rank and black seems restricted in what he can do. How would you play this position? Who is winning and Why? Is it drawn, or who has better chances? Whats your thoughts on this position?


Hopefully we can share ideas on this one guys. By the way, just so you know, this game has ended, and so you know my opponent played 1.Rf6?! and i replied 1...Kc7 and went on to queen my a-pawn. But what if he hadnt have played 1.Rf6. Happy analyzing!




I agree that Rf6 is the wrong idea for White. The rook is very strong on the 7th, where it also keeps the black king on the 8th rank. White can activate the king instead, or play h4 to restrain Black from ...g5.

 In general Black should not play passive defense. In most lines, the Black rook needs to give up the h pawn and try to make targets for itself. (such as Kb8, Rc8, targeting the c3 pawn).

I think the position should be drawn. But, there are so many ways to play this, depending on what Black chooses to target with his rook. No matter what, the rook can't stay passive on h8.

White's rook on f7 is worth at least a pawn. He should not move it unless a pawn is loose on d6, h7, or b6. 1.Kf2 is better. That centralizes and keeps Black's rook off e2.



It is a draw.

tygxc wrote:

It is a draw.

I believe you. Analyzing it for 16 years is pretty impressive.