


How come this was a draw?!?! I had him on the ropes, i surely was inevitably going to win. The only hope he had was my timer running out. Robbed of my first win?!?!?!


Stalemate - black is not in check but had no legal move... Therefore automatic draw. Got to be careful when opponent has few pieces left and you had several that you leave them with legal moves to make otherwise a draw results. Here instead of that pawn move, Qb7 or Bf4 would've been checkmate


What do you mean he had no legal move? He could of gone to C8.

He cannot go there since it’s blocked by queen.

You did not have him on the ropes. You had him in a corner where he was not being attacked. Big difference.

sinits wrote:
He cannot go there since it’s blocked by queen.

Ahh of course how did i not see that haha

lfPatriotGames wrote:

You did not have him on the ropes. You had him in a corner where he was not being attacked. Big difference.

I dont know what you're looking at but, 7 pieces to 1 is on the ropes.


Stalemate is very frustrating thing, sometimes. However, you may consider certain game logic: you were good almost until the end (since you obtained huge advantage); so, you should be good till the end (checkmate).

Also, stalemate gives some hope to losing opponent. And in some cases if you managed to force statement - it’s beautiful.


What was the point in pushing the g-pawn at all? You had 2 different moves that were just mate-in-1, and you had more than a minute to figure out either of them. Or any of the myriad mate-in-2 variations.

In chess you should use your brain and try to find good moves. Just playing some random move and hoping for the best is not good.


Pay attention to that part:

Actually it's a very good idea going to the above URL, reading it thouroughly (and watching the videos) and only then starting playing chess.

ehm42 wrote:

Beginners should be taught about Stalemate when learning to play chess.

I absolutely agree. Checkmate and stalemate are so basic and important, they should be taught before you learn how the pieces move.



Oh no, it's a stalemate! That means the game is over, but nobody won. It's like when you play tag and nobody can catch anyone. Stalemate is important because it can happen when you're losing and it gives you a chance to tie the game. But you also have to be careful not to accidentally stalemate yourself and lose the game too!
samuelcolosimo wrote:
lfPatriotGames wrote:

You did not have him on the ropes. You had him in a corner where he was not being attacked. Big difference.

I dont know what you're looking at but, 7 pieces to 1 is on the ropes.

It might seem like it, but it's not.

Since you used a boxing analogy, think of it this way. The opponent is twice as big, twice as strong, twice as good, twice as talented, and twice as fast. But he's in his corner and wont attack. That's not on the ropes.

You are not checking your opponent, so he is safe. You are not attacking, thus he is not on the ropes.

sinits wrote:

Stalemate is very frustrating thing, sometimes. However, you may consider certain game logic: you were good almost until the end (since you obtained huge advantage); so, you should be good till the end (checkmate).

Also, stalemate gives some hope to losing opponent. And in some cases if you managed to force statement - it’s beautiful.

A guy had me on the ropes for a lot of the game, I'm still really bad at managing my time on 10 mins. I have lost because of it a few times. But anyway time was running out i made a bit of a comeback and managed to pull out a draw with 1 second left! Haha! Feels like a win! The time is inaccurate it shows his time left for me as well for some reason.

magipi wrote:

What was the point in pushing the g-pawn at all? You had 2 different moves that were just mate-in-1, and you had more than a minute to figure out either of them. Or any of the myriad mate-in-2 variations.

In chess you should use your brain and try to find good moves. Just playing some random move and hoping for the best is not good.

Shut up! Smart ass! I just started playing give me a break!

CaracticusPotts wrote:

Another troll post.🤣

Ah so you're blind too, this is a thread in the beginner section incase you can't read.

Mazetoskylo wrote:

Pay attention to that part:

Actually it's a very good idea going to the above URL, reading it thouroughly (and watching the videos) and only then starting playing chess.

See to me this doesn't make sense at all, becuase i look at that move and it looks like a perfect check mate. No matter where the King moves the Queen will destroy him. Obviously i dont understand the game well enough yet but surely you can see my logic.

I did look at that section and learnt how the pieces move, I kind of already knew but needed brush up on it for sure. I'll study the other sections thanks.

lfPatriotGames wrote:
samuelcolosimo wrote:
lfPatriotGames wrote:

You did not have him on the ropes. You had him in a corner where he was not being attacked. Big difference.

I dont know what you're looking at but, 7 pieces to 1 is on the ropes.

It might seem like it, but it's not.

Since you used a boxing analogy, think of it this way. The opponent is twice as big, twice as strong, twice as good, twice as talented, and twice as fast. But he's in his corner and wont attack. That's not on the ropes.

You are not checking your opponent, so he is safe. You are not attacking, thus he is not on the ropes.

Well the opponent would never be twice as big and twice as strong because boxing is done within weight classes. On the ropes is when the opponent is damaged greatly and all you need to do is finish him off. Which was exactly my circumstance. But, i just didn't finish him, which happens in boxing all the time.

ehm42 wrote:
samuelcolosimo wrote:
magipi wrote:

What was the point in pushing the g-pawn at all? You had 2 different moves that were just mate-in-1, and you had more than a minute to figure out either of them. Or any of the myriad mate-in-2 variations.

In chess you should use your brain and try to find good moves. Just playing some random move and hoping for the best is not good.

F**k you! You can't see this is a thread in the beginner section? Unbelievable! I bet you're a really likable person in real life too huh.

Ok, but why did you push the pawn, huh? What’s the reason?

What do you think?