
Not becoming discouraged


Lol computer is strong... I dont care if I lose to dat 2200 engine lol people on the other hand... sigh when i get a winning position and get flagged...

Foolsmateinfinity wrote:

@KeSetoKaiba I saw you made some dubious pawn sacs... and the Engine didn't like it either but you got some mate afterwards ... feels so dirty lol...

That feeling when your up 2 pawns and in a good position but somehow get checkmated after a while lol 

What game or position are you talking about? A game of mine perhaps? Private Message me the position and perhaps I can help interpret how "sound" the pawn sacrifices were or not grin.png


Lol Yea If can find it lol... don't even remember the date you were playing that Jesus dude friend of yours on rapid ...


good chess requires grit, and you are at a level where your opponents mistakes means immense opportunity for you. Dont concern yourself about who is winning and what not, play games out. It's all about exposure and pattern recognition at this stage.

pauldrapier wrote:

At the 300 level, a comeback is always plausible. Never resign.

At higher levels, continuing play is just pedantic.

Even at the 1000-1250 level people can give back matches that’s Why we are at this level

cricket_mile wrote:

I don't know why, but losings are less frustrating for me when I play with computer

For me it's because it's unrated and not saved.


Winning an unrated game vs higher player is frustrating BUT they might not have tried as hard being it was unrated