Tips for Beginners ≤ 1000

I'm the target demographic but here I go
Understand that while king safety is the most important thing of all, you should also make sure everything else is okay as well.
Take this position in one of my recent games, for example:

Anybody got tips? I got one, don't release your queen to early. As your pieces of your opponents are trying to take your queen, their are also taking over the center.
Btw, the 2 forums flopped, like I saw a forum that got 87K comments in 2 minutes, and mine got 10 comments in a week... HOW!?
87k comments in 2 minutes sounds like massive exaggeration or something isn't adding up. Do you have the forum thread to link? 10 comments in a week is pretty good. Most threads probably get about 10 comments and then die off. It really depends on the type of thread and how long it takes to get a quality answer.
Also, you wanted chess advice for players below 1000 rating, so one advice I recommend is to study basic theoretical endgames well such as how to checkmate with a single pawn:

This is less useful because there are many positions where you would rather keep the queens on the board. Generally speaking, you'll want to trade pieces when you are up material (especially if up by 3 points or more) and you'll want to avoid trading pieces when down in material.
The main exception to this is if you are up in material, but choosing to go for a quick checkmate, or attack the enemy king. In that case, you may want to keep attacking pieces on the board (avoiding trades). The strategy of trading pieces is only to reach a winning endgame.

Pick some openings. Know each variation of the openings memorize it. And play long time control games everyday using the memorized lines. Try to win each and every game. No need to tactics solve train at the moment. You hang pieces a lot in this stage.
To improve your game, you must study the end game before everything else. For whereas the endings can be studied and mastered by themselves, the middle game and opening must be studied in relation to the end game.

1)openings - pick a couple for white and black. Solid foundations will automatically improve your middle game.
2) develop pieces - control more of the board and make it harder for your opponent to move
3) CCA - Checks Captures Attacks for you AND your opponent. What do they want?
4) Have a plan. Don’t just move around , build towards an attack to gain something.
5) End Game: know how to finish your opponent. Ladder checkmates, K&Q, K&R and ladder checkmates. Play puzzles to learn patterns.
6) Be prepared to lose, you are going to lose A LOT. But it’s an opportunity to learn, study your games and see what you should have done.

Don't fell for these mates, learn openings and make the castling. Look, if your opponent can take your Queen or you can take his Queen. Learn how to checkmate with only a Queen or with two rooks. These are some things you have to know with 200 elo.

Anybody got tips? I got one, don't release your queen to early. As your pieces of your opponents are trying to take your queen, their are also taking over the center.
Btw, the 2 forums flopped, like I saw a forum that got 87K comments in 2 minutes, and mine got 10 comments in a week... HOW!?
87k comments in 2 minutes sounds like massive exaggeration or something isn't adding up. Do you have the forum thread to link? 10 comments in a week is pretty good. Most threads probably get about 10 comments and then die off. It really depends on the type of thread and how long it takes to get a quality answer.
Also, you wanted chess advice for players below 1000 rating, so one advice I recommend is to study basic theoretical endgames well such as how to checkmate with a single pawn:
I thought it got 87K comments in 2 minutes but that was the most recent comment, my fault.
Anybody got tips? I got one, don't release your queen to early. As your pieces of your opponents are trying to take your queen, their are also taking over the center.
Btw, the 2 forums flopped, like I saw a forum that got 87K comments in 2 minutes, and mine got 10 comments in a week... HOW!?