Where to learn chess

If you live in a chess desert with no club nearby, a good starting point is simply the Lesson Libary on chess.com. The Lesson Library has a section called Beginner Guide. The lessons are free, although you are limited as to how many lessons you can take per week. So the basic idea is take a lesson, then spend a week or so practicing what is taught in the lesson. That is where I started a couple of years ago and it worked fine. If you want to spend a bit of money, Levy Rozman (GothamChess) has a great book called "How to Win a Chess". The Kindle version of the book is excellent.

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Kann ich die tägliche Taktikaufgabe irgend wo hin importieren, damit ich sie dort probehalber lösen kann? Wenn ich sie auf mein analoges Brett nachstelle, besteht die Gefahr, dass ich nicht die besten Gegnerzüge mache. Ich möchte aber die besten Gegnerzüge:-)