
Why did he resign?


I am probably not experienced enough to see something in that game. But why did he resign?

The position is about equal. He probably had to leave

Yes, I felt some equality in that position. I have declined the Scandinavian before, and got strange reactions from the opponent. They are so locked in the mindset of getting the gambit accepted, and their queen to grab that pawn.


Dinner was ready.. likely

Dinner ready indeed, or partners shouts that it really (!) has to stop (!) now (!).

Black should play 2. …d4 and your knight will be chased over the board giving black the chance to develop with tempi. I am always happy to see 2. Nc3

Yes, I can envision a scene like this:

Wife in the kitchen: Honey, your steak is medium rare now!!

Man in a white wifebeater-shirt: Aww right, aww right. Get me a beer too.

The man is hungry like a wolf, so he resigns the game.


I have read that some resign so as not to lose. I don't know if that's true or possible.