
Worried about plateauing at ~700 rapid rating


I've been playing since the start of the year and improved from 136 to 700 rated over 124 games played, I reached my highest a few days ago (718). Since then I have lost 3 and drawn one and dropped to 692. I maintain a 62% win percentage normally but recently I have lost 2 games by missing a M1 but the rest were mostly just games where my opponent played better.

Is this just a short slump or is it possible I need to learn more about the game to improve? Or is this just a case where continuing to play will improve my rating and ability?


ye bro ur cooked better oil up cause ill be there in 5 lil bozo 👽🤖😭😹


That sounds like random noise.

Or you got paired with people who are still underrated and climbing through the ranks.


Experience is a crucial part of improvement. Ensure that you are playing time controls that give you enough time to think, such as 15|10 or 30|0 games. Focus on the quality of your games rather than the number. Playing fewer games but spending more time reviewing and understanding them can be more beneficial.

ChessMasteryOfficial wrote:

Experience is a crucial part of improvement. Ensure that you are playing time controls that give you enough time to think, such as 15|10 or 30|0 games. Focus on the quality of your games rather than the number. Playing fewer games but spending more time reviewing and understanding them can be more beneficial.

I've been playing 15|10 about once a day sometimes twice, that way I can review every one of my games I play so I guess I'm doing well already. Hvala brate.


Hey there! It sounds like you've made great progress in your chess journey this year, which is awesome! Those rating fluctuations are pretty normal and can happen to anyone, especially after reaching a new high.

To keep improving, it might be helpful to focus on specific areas of your game. Have you considered exploring structured learning programs like ChessMood? They provide comprehensive lessons and strategies that can help you strengthen your game and navigate those tough spots, like recognizing critical moments (like missing a mating sequence).

Remember, ups and downs are part of the game. Keep playing, keep learning, and you'll continue to progress!

Link to ChessMood:

Good Luck,



What chess openings do you play?


I agree with Trokly34! I remember when I was stuck around the 700 range, and it was so frustrating. ChessMood helped me recover from this plateau with their brilliant lessons and helped me boost my rating by hundreds of points. I recommend checking ChessMood out, as it will help you go above the 700 range.


Just blunder check before you move. Sit on your hands. Hang no pieces, hang no pawns, do not run into checkmate. That little mental discipline alone is enough to reach 1500.


Read a chess book. I was at 400, spam read chess books, got to 1000 in a few months


62% wins is massive.

Short slumps are not only possible, but inevitable.

A few days is no time at all, when it comes to chess. Proper tournaments last for days and proper games at least a couple hours.


More like 900 in my case but yes. I have runs of wins, but also runs of losses. I draw games more than I used to, which is another indicator of plateauing.

Przypadkowo kirjoitti:

More like 900 in my case but yes. I have runs of wins, but also runs of losses. I draw games more than I used to, which is another indicator of plateauing.

No. You have yet to understand the timescales. Weeks are nothing, months mean barely anything, years start to have some meaning, but decades is what it takes to get good.


I played my first chess game in 1972 though my interest in the game has been somewhat off and on.




I won't discover anything new but my experience is exactly the same. The plateaus are inevitable. From when I started at a total 0 level just under a year ago I had a big "flat" period for around 3 months with some small ups/downs. 

I think after the initial spike I just got to comfortable and definitely played too fast. 
I mean...if you're ending a 15|10 game with 10 min on the clock or more and loosing - you probably didn't think much about your moves. 
So for me, few things that helped were:

  • Slow down - think before you move
  • Follow the principles - center pawns, knights, bishops, castle, improve position
  • Checks, captures, attacks...for you and your opponent

I did not exactly study any opening since then, just played for fun whenever I had a chance...but just following the above principles caused me to blunder less, and surprise surprise - at some point it was the opponent that blundered...and I could exploit that. Now I am approaching 1000 ELO which I thought back then at that plateaus was impossible.

Good luck :-)


Just to add to this, 124 games isn't a lot. It sure feels like it is but to gain 500+ points with 120 is actually pretty good! You should worry about plateaus if you're playing 30 or 40 games with no serious change in rating.


I am accepting rated 3 day challenges from beginning players. Please send me challenges!

Terminated800 wrote:

Read a chess book. I was at 400, spam read chess books, got to 1000 in a few months

Also, remember that puzzles here are taken from chess books and well played games. Another aspect is that 700 Glicko is not the same as 700 ELO. FIDE starts counting at 1000 ELO.

Compadre_J wrote:

What chess openings do you play?

Normally I play an Italian (go figure) with white but I only know the theory up to the first 3 moves to get the standard set up.

Then just sort of no system with black, just responding to their moves.

Sometimes I also just play responding moves with white if an Italian is not possible.