
A From's Gambit quickie


On Live Chess here at, I rarely see 1.f4, but I play it occasionally and it crops up every now and again when I'm playing the Black pieces.


From's Gambit (1. f4 e5 2. fxe5 d6 3. exd6 Bxd6) is considered to be the sharpest attempt by Black to go for a win against Bird's Opening, sacrificing a pawn for a fast attack. It's not refuted, but it is extremely speculative. Both sides have to play somewhat precisely, White to avoid disaster and Black to maintain the attack and prevent White from consolidating to a winning advantage.


I decided to throw caution into the wind in ths game, sacrificing another pawn to open a file, and was neatly rewarded with a sacrificial combination that won the game in a hurry.


The game was not 'best play' by both sides, but I think it's worth showing and discussing a bit. The opening is immensely intriguing, and I'd be interested to hear people's take on how they would play it relative to this game. Below is the game, with my comments. I'm open to discussion of some of my ideas and moves as expressed in my analysis.


Personally, when I play Bird's Opening I hope for from's gambit as I play the king's gambit (so I play 2.e4) , a move order subtlety. Thankyou very much for the excellent article. Would you like a game?