
exchange + rook sac


A game i just played 15|10 on live chess, involving a two rook for bishop sac, id like to know if it leads to forced mate/ heavy loss of material of opponent, or if a blunder he later made won me the game

Thanks, any other comments about the game would be appreciated



Thomas, nice game!  Now, you know I am no expert, but here are my two cents....

You appeared to be in a very strong position even before the rook(s) sacrifice. I don't think your move "forced" mate, but is sure did work!

I think, in strong positions, certain  sacrifices are deadly. Your opponent will most certainly not see it coming, and they must alter their plan. If you have planned for both the sacrifice and the opponent possibly not taking your piece (rook, in this instance), you wil have a leg up in the game.