
Interesting game with a brilliant move and crazy engine lines!


This was an incredible game with a missed brilliant move somewhere around the 21st or 22nd move. 

(I forgot to add in the game annotation that the point of the move 15. Nxc6 was to prevent Ne5). 


What a game! that's why the Sicilian is so much fun for both sides! You both played so well, it's a pity you ended up losing the endgame after an exciting middlegame fight.


Yeah grin.png this game was indeed a lot of fun


Also, small correction. On the 25th move in the Rf6 variation, 23... Bf6 24. gxf6 d5 25. Rg1+ Bxg6 26. Rxg6+ is incorrect and leads to a draw. The winning move here is simply 26. Qh6 with unstoppable mate.


There were two points in this game where i got surprised. The first part is where after Rf6 you win the game with a stunning brilliant move, the best line being after Bxf6 gxf6 you can play Qh6 and checkmate the black king before the black pieces can get to your king!!! This reminded me of Vishy vs Nepo where white created a mating net! The second part was where black found the stunning move Be8 that protects the f7 square preventing Rf7+ with further threats. Both of you are geniuses! Good game bro.


Thanks happy.png You're right, the Bxf6 variation leads to Qh6 mate eventually which is similar to the mating net in the Vishy vs Nepo grunfeld game with the f6 Qh6 tactic which resulted in unstoppable checkmate and a splendid win for Vishy.

AkshathK118 wrote:

Also, small correction. On the 25th move in the Rf6 variation, 23... Bf6 24. gxf6 d5 25. Rg1+ Bxg6 26. Rxg6+ is incorrect and leads to a draw. The winning move here is simply 26. Qh6 with unstoppable mate.

Actually, I don't think 26.Rxg6+ leads to a draw, because after 28.Qh6+ Black has Qh7. But if you edit your board, future readers of this thread will be hilariously confused.

alphaous wrote:

Actually, I don't think 26.Rxg6+ leads to a draw, because after 28.Qh6+ Black has Qh7. But if you edit your board, future readers of this thread will be hilariously confused.

Rf6 is a compulsory win, right, because after Bxf6 gxf6 d5/Bg6, Qh6 threatens unstoppable mate


White doesn't play  28. Qh6+ and instead replies with 28. Bd4!! (another move that calls brilliant) as if e5 to block the bishop, white takes the pawn and the queen who is defending mate cannot capture the bishop. The top engine line that leads to a draw is 28...Rf7 and now 29. Qh6+ Kg8 30. Qg6+ Kf8 31. Be3! Rh7! (only defending move) 32. Nb5.

alphaous wrote:
AkshathK118 wrote:

Also, small correction. On the 25th move in the Rf6 variation, 23... Bf6 24. gxf6 d5 25. Rg1+ Bxg6 26. Rxg6+ is incorrect and leads to a draw. The winning move here is simply 26. Qh6 with unstoppable mate.

Actually, I don't think 26.Rxg6+ leads to a draw, because after 28.Qh6+ Black has Qh7. But if you edit your board, future readers of this thread will be hilariously confused.

White doesn't play  28. Qh6+ and instead replies with 28. Bd4!! (another move that calls brilliant) as if e5 to block the bishop, white takes the pawn and the queen who is defending mate cannot capture the bishop. The top engine line that leads to a draw is 28...Rf7 and now 29. Qh6+ Kg8 30. Qg6+ Kf8 31. Be3! Rh7! (only defending move) 32. Nb5.


this is the solution to the variation that you said isn't it a draw and a win for black