
look how bad development is punished+puzzle in the end



I really like this game because white thought of every move individualy and didn't just play moves that just "look good". And punished black for not developing his pieces. For the end I have a puzzle for you - white in the given position can deliver mate in 2 moves. Try to find out.

PS: in reality white lost on time :-(


this is the type of game where the person playing Black just doesn't know about development! BTW, Qxf8 leads to mate in 2


lol. Were you planing that, one or two moves before the clock died, or was if for you, just focusing on every move equally lead to such a predicament where you ended up with a decisive offense? (Solution: Queen takes rook, bishop forced to take Queen, rook to e8#)

Can we submit our own puzzles for consideration for the daily puzzle? Cause this is fits the theme of Queen sacs that they have going on.


too bad I dunno where to submit it - if anybody found, please tell me :)

peterdubec wrote:

too bad I dunno where to submit it - if anybody found, please tell me :)

I don't think they accept submissions, but If I could I would submit this. (Edit: On second thought, I'd have to make it a bit more complicated first.)


Popcorn179: 1.Rxb7#

peterdubec wrote:

Popcorn179: 1.Rxb7#

Like I edited. I'll have to tricky-it-up a bit.

It was just something I made for another post, trying to figure out how to have a problem in which checkmate could be made by en passant.

Popcorn179 wrote:
peterdubec wrote:

too bad I dunno where to submit it - if anybody found, please tell me :)

I don't think they accept submissions, but If I could I would submit this. (Edit: On second thought, I'd have to make it a bit more complicated first.)


why does black bother with a pawn when he can checkmate by taking the white queen? this is in your puzzle of course


blasterdragon its called discover check

ThomasRules000 wrote:

blasterdragon its called discover check


??? in the situation black can take the white queen with the black queen to get checkmate


no because when white pushes that pawn the bishop puts the black king in checkLaughing

ThomasRules000 wrote:

no because when white pushes that pawn the bishop puts the black king in check

ah thank you didn't see that bishop derp :)

blasterdragon wrote:
ThomasRules000 wrote:

no because when white pushes that pawn the bishop puts the black king in check

ah thank you didn't see that bishop derp :)

Yeah, the idea was to have those pieces set up how they are on the g and h files to indicate that if White doesn't do something, then it's game over. peterdubec pointed out what I didn't notice before, which was that instead of 1. d5+, White can just play 1. Rxb7#, the whole point of White having a Rook there was so that the b7 pawn would be pinned to Blacks king, and wouldn't be able to take after 2. dxc6.