
Total blockage


I don't do this often - this is the first time I list a game here. But this is something that is really nice: for the first time ever I manage to obtain total blockade of all the opponent's pieces. Look at the position after 25. Be5. Isn't it pretty? At that point I actually was down in material (down 1 pawn), and the opponent still had all 8 pawns! And yet the opponent could not open up in anyway without a big penalty in material. All he could do was shuffling by a few squares along the last 2 ranks.

After that it was just a matter of me picking what fruits were hanging the lowest to me. It became rather easy. It was a shame though that the opponent let the game run out on time instead of resigning or letting me checkmate (I was going to mate next move at either a7 or b6). 

PS. I anonymize the opponent's name since I don't want this to look like I'm putting anyone down.