
a question on's rating system


hii guys, so recently I made it to 1500 elo in rapid, however my bullet and blitz rating is still stuck under 1000 (well, it is true I don't play them often, but recently I tried and found myself losing to 900elo bullet players)

so I think my rapid, blitz and bullet ratings are all about my real level.............which is kinda bullet and blitz skills are 600 elo less than rapid?? I know i am not good at mouse speed, but i don't think that matters TOO much......

so do you guys think that is normal? is a person's fast chess ratings supposed to be so different from rapid rating?

thanks for reading! happy.png


Bro I m also don't think about bullet

Coz bullet only depends on mouse speed , it's not much related to chess for me ig


Different games, different skills, different ratings.
Rapid: play well, but not too slow.
Blitz: play fast, but not too bad.


ohh ok thanks guys for your reply!


Rapid has a smaller player pool. Typically players have slightly higher rapid rating than blitz. Difference that big tho does mean that your skillset is clearly more suitable for longer time control.


see it maks sens


yeahi agree


actually bro it doesn't even matter cuz u see im stuck at 1000 rapid but my blitz and bullet is way less than my rapid rating .

bullet just depends on which color u get, because if u get black then the opponent has to waste time 1st then. u

bltiz is just like rapid with lesser time




My arthritis slows my mouse! My age slows my mind! Bullet is too fast and I get flagged too often! Blitz at 5 min games I hold better. Rapid is okay but too long between moves and I've been known to doze off!!!


It is totally possible. Even though I am a 1300 at bullet I frequently lose at it.



actually I just figured out that if I play 3-minute time control in blitz, my current rating is true (I lose about 50% of 3-min blitz games)

however, if i turn it to 5min blitz game, i won 90% of them happy.png

(lol, so in this way I can quickly increase my blitz rating, even though it may be way higher than my real 3-min time control skills


Rapid and Blitz are different chess disciplines. You can compare it to athletics - 100m and 5km running - you don't usually see same name competing in both happy

Rapid is more about quality of decision making, while in blitz the speed of decision making is equally important to it's quality


Hikaru says dont do Blitz until you reach like 1600 Rapid.

Other than that you can just play 5|5 Blitz and thats almost like 10|0 Rapid. That should allow you to reach the same rating. Right ?

Other than that people optimize their interface for Blitz and especially Bullet. Like no movement animations.

I myself only do Rapid so far. I have premoves currently disabled, only allow drag and drop with pieces, and only allow castling with the king move. That all may slow me down especially for bullet. I also have fast animations instead of none, because I found none just too weird - with no animations it actually takes me longer to find out what move the opponent does.

Not sure if I actually will ever do bullet ... we'll see. But I may try 5|5 Blitz if I can manage 1600 Rapid. Also not sure if that will ever happen.

MariasWhiteKnight wrote:

Hikaru says dont do Blitz until you reach like 1600 Rapid.

Other than that you can just play 5|5 Blitz and thats almost like 10|0 Rapid. That should allow you to reach the same rating. Right ?

Other than that people optimize their interface for Blitz and especially Bullet. Like no movement animations.

I myself only do Rapid so far. I have premoves currently disabled, only allow drag and drop with pieces, and only allow castling with the king move. That all may slow me down especially for bullet. I also have fast animations instead of none, because I found none just too weird - with no animations it actually takes me longer to find out what move the opponent does.

Not sure if I actually will ever do bullet ... we'll see. But I may try 5|5 Blitz if I can manage 1600 Rapid. Also not sure if that will ever happen.

thanks for your advice!!! (actually I also mainly play rapid, I am just trying to get bullet and blitz elo to 4 digits lol


k, thanks for all your advice!

TheKrugingDunnerEffect wrote:

Also, I recommend you turn on premoves regardless if you play fast time controls.

I may need to, but thankfully it wasnt necessary so far.

TheKrugingDunnerEffect wrote:
MariasWhiteKnight wrote:

Hikaru says dont do Blitz until you reach like 1600 Rapid.

Don't listen to this advice. Who wants to be over 500 points lower in blitz than rapid?

I was once 1500 rapid but 1100 blitz. I was unsatisfied with the difference in ratings, so I quit rapid to grind my blitz rating. I adapted to the time control and was 1500 in blitz 2 months later. I would then decide to make blitz my main focus but still played rapid (I reached 1600 rapid). The next month, I was 1600 in blitz and my rapid rating was shooting up to 1700!

Hikaru is spot on with this. You want to focus on learning chess fundamentals first, you and I probably agree on this. Which time control is better for that? Rapid. You'll have time to learn playing fast later if you want, it's also a helpful tool to get in some volume and experience. But fundamentals first before you go play blitz or bullet.


yeah true, I like playing rapid games, they develops chess skills happy.png

(blitz and bullet will improve if your rapid rating improves happy.png (that is if i practised on mouse clicking

btw I already turned on premoving , that should save a few precious sec in bullet or blitz

but now i am still gonna focus on rapid happy.png


yeah I think I knows basic rules happy.png