
Any tips on breaking 2200 in bullet?

Been hovering around 2000-2200 but despite being up to 2200 and 2100s consistently as of the last few months I can’t seem to improve. I’ll be “on” for a big streak, then all of a sudden I feel like I’m making stupid blunders. Any ideas? I’m also around 2000-2100 in blitz and have the same issue

I'll let ya know when I get there myself.


You have to analyze your game, identify mistakes, and avoid those mistakes next time. You can make and focus on your tactics and try to solving puzzles that helps you spot combinations during games. Also, you have stay calm during game. [url=]destiny card[/url]


Get a super fast internet and do a lot of puzzle rush before stepping into the ring. Then stop playing after a big win streak.