
Are 2 rook or 1 queen better to have in endgame?


i think that queen would be better but what do you guys think


some of the answer to that specific question is related to the amount of pawns present in the position. the file they are located on and how advanced they are. as well as the location of the two kings.

a queen is worth 9 points. the two rooks are worth 10 points.

a queen has the ability to move diagonally but it cannot protect and support herself the way the two rooks can.

as you mature in chess, the queen becomes less impressive and you are more willing to trade it for equal material or a TANGIBLE advantage.

It depends on the position. Can you win material after the trade, and that sort of thing. Being on either side of that trade is not usually pleasant.

The Queen is easier to play but in the general case two coordinated Rooks are better with enough thinking time. You'll find plenty of exceptions where the Queen can harass the King and to win material or find a perpetual check or where the Rooks have their movement restricted.

chess_master5978 wrote:

i think that queen would be better but what do you guys think

Two rooks are, in my opinion, better. I find it generally easier to control the rooks since the Queen has to be careful with getting pinned to the king or skewered by a check.

However, if the queen can utilise its diagonal well - something which rooks do not possess - queen can be better.

I have been on both sides of the game before, with wins and losses in both cases.


It depends what position that you are playing. The Queen will be superior to the Rooks due to positional factors like an exposed king.


In general the rooks are better.
Two rooks can attack a pawn twice, while the queen can defend it only once.

I think two rooks cuz even tho Queen can move a lot if u didn’t have any pawns the rooks would be the best cuz the rooks can probably checkmate the king without using the king half the time anyway.

as white would you want to be in this position?


or this position?


for me, it will be 2 rooks because 1 queen can be stalemate


This for example is a draw

chess_master5978 wrote:

i think that queen would be better but what do you guys think

It depends on the position but mostly its two rooks


It depends on the position ,but generally two rooks work far better than a queen and they can co-operate with other pieces much better than the Queen.

chess_master5978 wrote:

as white would you want to be in this position?

or this position?



It depends on how many pawns on each side. The one who promotes a queen wind.


queen forks undefended pieces and pawns in endgames

while rooks are invulnerable to enemy queen when they are connected. they are also good with collecting loose pawns but not good at forking other pieces..

still 2 rooks can deliver checkmate while a queen needs some help. need to see the board to decide which one is better at that particular position.. if its all theoritical then 2R = Q+1

tygxc wrote:

This for example is a draw

Not if it's Black to play.