
Are There Error Lists For Silman's Books?


Are there error  lists for Silman's books? Where can I find them?


Going once!


Well. Nobody knows? Where are all those Silman's fan? 

Help! Where is Spong!?


Spong does not know.


I am shocked.  If Spong does not know who would!? 😂 

Thanks a bunch anyway,  Spong. 


A number of GM's and IM's vouch for Silman; and I believe his latest books used and engine to check stuff.   Are there errors?   probably.   not too many though.  Error list?   dunno.  IF you find one, let us know.

fpon wrote:

A number of GM's and IM's vouch for Silman; and I believe his latest books used and engine to check stuff.   Are there errors?   probably.   not too many though.  Error list?   dunno.  IF you find one, let us know.


I also have heard a lot of good feedback about his work. 

If I find it I post it here


Yes, Silman's work is excellent; really improved my chess.   Some don't like him; I can't understand why.  I'd guess that many that don't like him couldn't beat him.   regards


Reassess Your Chess is more about teaching the ideas of chess, how to play positional chess. By the time he released his endgame book, it would have been thoroughly vetted by chess engines.
I would think since at least the 3rd edition of Reassess Your Chess, it would have also been vetted by chess engines.


I doubt any chess author could satisfy all people that go through their books. There are some very highly regarded chess authors that I don't like, but it's just because I just happen to respond better to certain types of writing styles. So it makes sense that some people don't like Silman's style of writing.

It's pretty hard to like an author if you don't like how they write.

Caesar49bc wrote:

Reassess Your Chess is more about teaching the ideas of chess, how to play positional chess. By the time he released his endgame book, it would have been thoroughly vetted by chess engines.
I would think since at least the 3rd edition of Reassess Your Chess, it would have also been vetted by chess engines.


Speaking of reassess..  book,  based on the title and others review,  I think he has approached Chess Theory from a new point of view.  This is innovative at least. 


Caesar49bc wrote:

I doubt any chess author could satisfy all people that go through their books. There are some very highly regarded chess authors that I don't like, but it's just because I just happen to respond better to certain types of writing styles. So it makes sense that some people don't like Silman's style of writing.

It's pretty hard to like an author if you don't like how they write.


Silman also seems to write his books(at least some of them ) keeping in mind the reader.  There are few chess writers who take that point of view in consideration. 

Some writers try to educate their readers. So they write accordingly. 


I think another way to approach this problem is just to go to publisher, which is my next step. 


Reassess Your Chess isn't really a game changing new way of teaching chess. It a book on how to play the middle game from a positional point of view. The prose, ease of going through the book, and the pace of the book is perfect for a wide range of playing levels. About roughly 1300 USCF to about 1800 USCF, although most reviewers would agree that players from 1800 to about 2000 should get some benefit from the book if they went through it.

 Also it's one of those books that you could go through multiple times. For example, at 1300 USCF, then perhaps 1500 USCF, then 1700 USCF. At each higher level, you'd find more nuances to what he's teaching.

Caesar49bc wrote:

Reassess Your Chess isn't really a game changing new way of teaching chess. It a book on how to play the middle game from a positional point of view. The prose, ease of going through the book, and the pace of the book is perfect for a wide range of playing levels. About roughly 1300 USCF to about 1800 USCF, although most reviewers would agree that players from 1800 to about 2000 should get some benefit from the book if they went through it.

 Also it's one of those books that you could go through multiple times. For example, at 1300 USCF, then perhaps 1500 USCF, then 1700 USCF. At each higher level, you'd find more nuances to what he's teaching.


My point was that he discusses imbalances which could be considered a new approach.  I have been looking at many chess books and this is why I say what I just said. 

How about answering the topic question? Anyone?


Diagram 65, page 162-164. 1700 vs Silman. I am reading his The Amateur's Mind. I am using Study on a popular chess site which starts with a L 😀. All the moves and positions from the book is there, so you can click through it while need for a board. I have chosen to do it with Stockfish off, it's not important. But there's a one click option to turn it on. In one of the games I was really wondering why he stopped the game so I clicked it on. The 1700 was +1.4 better, so we could say it's a bit arrogant to stop the game since Silman claimed it was all over for his opponent. He stopped since he meant he had a firm grip on the initiative. 

2Late4Work wrote:

Diagram 65, page 162-164. 1700 vs Silman. I am reading his The Amateur's Mind. I am using Study on a popular chess site which starts with a L 😀. All the moves and positions from the book is there, so you can click through it while need for a board. I have chosen to do it with Stockfish off, it's not important. But there's a one click option to turn it on. In one of the games I was really wondering why he stopped the game so I clicked it on. The 1700 was +1.4 better, so we could say it's a bit arrogant to stop the game since Silman claimed it was all over for his opponent. He stopped since he meant he had a firm grip on the initiative. 


I have not read that book yet.

But many like to give themselves more credit than not.  There are many words for them depending who we are talking about. 

What chess site are you talking about? Starts with L?


Lichess starts with "L".

It's ok to mention other chess servers as long as your not telling people to ditch, and there is value in mentioning it in context with the thread.

Mostly it boils down to being ok to post a game from, say Lichess, or to mention you played a game there.

You certainly CANNOT post positive opinions about other servers, or start or highjack a thread for the sole purpose of talking about another server. And you shouldn't be doing comparisons of other chess servers on chess com either.  


Ah.  I hear you loud and clear. 

I called the publishing company. I was told no there is not such a list. But,  I was transferred to some else who simply told me: Do you want to talk to Mr.  Silman? I said: "I just wanted to know if there is an error list. Any way he passed me to the guy himself who gave his email for followups. 

And that's all folks!


People don't llike Silman because he thinks too highly of his books. I love his books, but even I have noticed this. You will need other materials to get good at chess than just his works.