
Brah Brahsen going UNDERCOVER in Low Elo


Good morning brahs,

for educational purposes I went into low elo and played some games which I´m gonna share with you to illustrate how easiely you can climb in elo at the lower levels once you understand what mistakes they regularly make. I played different openings to show that openings also don´t really matter at the lower rating levels. All games were 5 minute time control.

 Game 1,Queens Gambit Accepted, White

Game 2, Nimzowitsch Defence, Colorado Gambit, Black


Game 3, Scotch Gambit, White


Game 4, Guico Pianissimo, Black 


Game 5, English Opening, White


Game 6, Birds Opening, White


Game 7, Old Benoni Defence, Black


Game 8, Cambridge Springs Variation, White


Game 9, Scandinavian Defence, Black


Game 10, Four Knights game, Scotch Variation, Black

Game 11, Blackmar Diemer Gambit, White


Game 12, Nimzowitsch Defence, Colorado Gambit, Black


Game 13, Modern Defence, White


Good evening, your Brah Brahsen!


Scandinavian, game 9

that reminded me of me

the mistakes


:P you play that opening too?


can't remember 😐

but the end, classic me😌


lol ;S



INM Brahsen. In a recent game I tried the Meran (as black of course) and won with it. I've been looking at it for a little while and this was my first outing with it. What is your considered opinion of the Meran as it might work out for a patzer like myself?


Yes its really nice and offers dynamic play! Especially at lower elos the Meran can give you great results I imagine. You could also take up the stonewall as a sideline you can play if you dont want to play the Meran mainline all the time. You can transist into it smoothly like this:



This game is much better than yours:


Thanks! I may just have a closer look at the Stonewall. Never tried the Dutch before, though my friend used to play it all the time and I would watch his games.


well played, that opening line was very theoretical. Need to refresh my memory of it later. What elo was your opponent? 


the stonewall is probably one of the best openings you can play at level below lets say 1600. Why? Because it is a) super easy to learn and to play and b) has a huge outplay potential. White often doesnt know what to do while black always has the same plan, to attack whites king. How? Well here are some common moves you always do as black (i only made black moves at some point to illustrate the general plan):


Yes, I like those blocked pawn chain type positions, so that's another attraction for me.

This is my game with the Meran. My opponent is a friend from 'real life', not just and we play fairly often. Our games tend to be played as skittles games rather than as real correspondence type games in spite of the three day time control. The conclusion isn't very interesting but would be glad of any comments on the way the opening and early middle game turned out. (After 33. ... Rxc8 he resigned.)


Your play was fine except for one point which was move 10. After 10. e5 the only right move is cxd4! Your move Ng4 is bad when white plays for example h3 or Be4. The alternative to 10... Ng4 would be Nd5 but also that is wrong as you can see in the following typical motif white has:


Thats why after 10.e5 you have to play cxd4. after that the main line goes as following. you can look for games of anand, he played this with black. 




Thanks! Very much appreciated. I think I was thinking of 11. b5 or c5 as my riposte to 10... h3 to attack my N on g4. Can't remember exactly now. Thanks for the intelligence on the main line. Very helpful. I will try the Meran again ... and the Stonewall at some point.


ice one brah😉






Dirty ^^