
Can Anyone Become Grandmaster?


Just like GM's are being replaced by computers


Incidentally to further refine the broad definition that is "Asian", there is:

Western Asia, which is the Arabian peninsula and Persia

Central Asia, which are the "-stans" minus Afghanistan and Pakistan (basically the former soviet states)

North Asia, which is basically the Russian portion

South Asia, which is Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and a handful of others

East Asia, which is China, Mongolia, Japan and the Koreas

Southeast Asia, which is the Indochina peninsula, Indonesia and the Philippines

So if Asian is not precise enough, but the country is too specific..., just don't say Oriental, it really is outdated and generally considered offensive.

tubebender wrote:
chess_gg wrote:

   Mighty big of you, Bubba. Especially since I blocked you weeks ago. You started a thread WITHOUT EVER PROVIDING ANY PROOF that I am a racist, stalked me all over the forums, wrote lies that I sent you salacious emails, had your friends attack me, had one write a fake post putting in ethnic slurs and attributing them to me...

   And, when you started your new troll couldn't resist but to slam me once more.

    *In all this, the mods never once stepped in to stop you.

   You are just a scumbag, son. There, now I am finished with what YOU started. It has ended.


*They did early on tell you this, but you ignored them and became a self-appointed vigilante:

 No naming and shaming. Please report abuse directly to mods using the Help & Support link @ the bottom of the page. Mod]

Don`t feel too bad. I was called a racist because I thought that "Oriental" was more specific than "Aisian" . That term is too vague. By the way, the closest I got to dating an Oriental girl was a Filipina--close enough, I guess. That insult was levied at me on Even though I believe in free speech, you still cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater if there is none.

Tubebender, as I is inappropriate to refer to a human being as "oriental". It is offensive.


It doesn't necessarily make one racist, though, perhaps just ignorant of that fact.

TheGrobe wrote:

It doesn't necessarily make one racist, though, perhaps just ignorant of that fact.

True. That is why I have been patient and not called Tubebender a racist. He just seems poorly educated.


great way to start a page...



Oh my yes anyone can become a Grandmaster, as we all know, if you keep playing and studying you will continue to improve forever without ever hitting some sort of peak, you'll just keep improving to infinity until you are one of the best in the world. 

Dodger111 wrote:

Oh my yes anyone can become a Grandmaster, as we all know, if you keep playing and studying you will continue to improve forever without ever hitting some sort of peak, you'll just keep improving to infinity until you are one of the best in the world. 

Dodger and I agree here. I am betting I become the world champion before dodger, though. He can have it after me.


This thread has turned out absolutely ridiculous. 

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