
Change the pawn rules and eliminate the draws!


 I am a fan of FIDE. Now I am pleased to present my solution on eliminating the draws on chess games. The solution works depend on pawn promtion rules change.  

     The current pawn promotion rules are as below:If a pawn manages to reach the last rank (white pawns to the 8-rank, black pawns to the 1-rank) they are automatically promoted.

      My solution on pawn promotion are as below:If a pawn manages to reach the SECOND last rank (white pawns to the 7-rank, black pawns to the 2-rank) they are automatically promoted. It means if the pawns reach to the SECOND last rank,they have two promotion choice. They could move to the SECOND last rank (7-rank for white pawn, 2-rank for black pawn) and promote to other pieces. Or they could also move to the last rank and promote to other pieces. The ready promoted pawns could choose to promote to other pieces on both last rank and SECOND last rank on player's choice. That is all the solution.

PS: I have emailed my solution to FIDE office!  Any advice are welcomed!


One of the better ideas to reduce draws. It's a case of "nothing new under the sun", though, as the similar Mecklenbeck Chess was invented in the 1970s.

Sorry, I never see this before. but we could have a minor change. If a pawn move to the 7th rank, it could be promoted only to bishop and knight. If you want to promote a pawn to rook or queen, the pawn has to be moved to 8th rank. This must be a total new variant.
Rocky64 wrote:

One of the better ideas to reduce draws. It's a case of "nothing new under the sun", though, as the similar Mecklenbeck Chess was invented in the 1970s.



"Michell's Proposal" is the same idea from the 1920s according to:

Or from a few years ago in this Forum:



Play Shogi - you can get promoted in the last three ranks. It is even more complicated and harder than chess (Complicated here means that you need to think harder. The rules aren’t that much if hard though).

thehandsomest wrote:
Sorry, I never see this before. but we could have a minor change. If a pawn move to the 7th rank, it could be promoted only to bishop and knight. If you want to promote a pawn to rook or queen, the pawn has to be moved to 8th rank. This must be a total new variant.
Rocky64 wrote:

One of the better ideas to reduce draws. It's a case of "nothing new under the sun", though, as the similar Mecklenbeck Chess was invented in the 1970s.



I like it as a chess variant and less drastic version of Mecklenbeck!

I am also a chess variant inventor and have the following and more subtle idea as an addition to the game of chess.

Pawns are not only able to promote to a bishop, knight, rook, or queen, but also to a king.

Firstly, if a nation can have multiple queens, multiple kings should be possible (vice-kings).

Secondly, this can help prevent draws because having two kings means that suddenly no more checks are possible. This prevents perpetual.

So to check with two kings, first one king has to be captured, checkmated, or stalemated, then the other king can be checked. The win only happens when all kings are conquered.

Thirdly, if all you need to win through promotion is a piece that can wall off an enemy king on three adjacent squares, a king can be a more elegant option than a queen and can also prevent draw by stalemate.

Fourthly, it adds some complexity to the endgame which should make it even more interesting.

Thumbs up!






You should write to the Middle Ages with your suggestion.