Forums Tactics learning Glitch

sidz15 wrote:

answer is Re1+ Kh2 Qxf2


Yes. The point of 2...Qxf2 is the threat of 3...Qg1+, which leads to a mating attack. So, White plays 3.Qxf7+ and Black ends up a rook ahead.

NiceGarry wrote:

Yes but that is not the point. The point is where the target time says 'NaN:an'. Normally it would be just like 0:46 or something

46 seconds? I know I'm exaggerating a little bit, but it sure seems like most of the puzzles I get are rated about 2400, are 7 moves deep, and are supposed to be solved in a target time of 12 seconds.

NiceGarry wrote:

Here it says for me: Target Time"NaN:an" which is the glitch.

That has happened to me when I return to tactics trainer without realizing I have been logged out by for inactivity.  When you try to go to the next  one, are you prompted to log in?


Since no one has said this, I'd point out that NaN means "not a number". Probably there's a typo in their list of target time database, so that the time associated with this puzzle can't be interpreted correctly.

theslacks wrote:
NiceGarry wrote:

Here it says for me: Target Time"NaN:an" which is the glitch.

That has happened to me when I return to tactics trainer without realizing I have been logged out by for inactivity.  When you try to go to the next  one, are you prompted to log in?

Oh thanks for your help! Yes i am prompted to log in.