
chess computers


Chess computers these days are nearly impossible to beat. So then I'm just wondering: is the only way to defeat it is...another computer? I want to know if there have been any games like that: computer against computer.


hehe, I have no clue


Thousands upon thousands. There are chess computer tournaments hosted every year. (The Olympiad, Computer World Championship...) And yes, they do beat each other- currently Rybka is the strongest, at all time controls.

grandmaster56 there like a website or book where you can get a hold of those games? Those would sure be interesting.


Well, I can't imagine a book holding thousands of games...

Though books on individual computer tournaments could be interesting. Hmmm.

Most databases have computer games in them- I am not sure that there are any computer-specific ones, however.


Computer databases now literally have millions of games and positions that the engine can source in order to make the strongest move it can.  Yes, computer tournaments are held and currently Rybka is the champ, with Hiarcs, Shredder and Deep Fritz trailing close behind, as well as some one-off engines like Zap! and Thinker.

The engines are in fact defeatable by humans still, but very very few.  Computers notoriously are bad in very closed positions, so trading pawns and pieces is a mistake against a strong engine.  It's known as "anti-computer play", and some have mastered it enough to draw the big boys, but beating them is another story completely. 

I wrote a paper for college about technology and chess, which I later had published online.  Here it is, if interested:


Try the Computer Chess Rating List, link below, and click on games.



thanks guys.