
chess opening to improve rating

anybody can help me to improve my i'm struggling between 900-1000.....

You're quite possibly looking in the wrong place (openings). Whether you are or not, expect comments saying that you are.

Assuming that openings are your problem, may I ask what you currently play?


You have been a member for 2 years, and played:

719 games of blitz

1 game of standard

3 games of Correspondance chess.  None went past 4 moves.  

There is no Opening that will improve your rating.  What you need to do is:

1. Follow Opening Principles

Control the center.

Develop towards the center.


Connect your rooks.

2. Tactics...tactics...tactics...

3. Lay off the blitz, and bullet.  


Some principles would go a long way. Not just related to openings. For example: look at what a move undoes, not just what it does. It seems that kab111 could do with learning that one too...


If I may, while the above advice is absolutely correct and would be ignored by the OP to his detriment, for beginners it may also be beneficial to play opening 'systems' in the formative stages. These ensure you actually reach the midgame unscathed, and avoid losing in the opening as per the example here. Look up the London System, it is your friend.


I've never understood that system advice. If he's playing against opponents of his rating, then who's to assume that he's losing the game in the opening more often than he's winning it? Especially as White...


Not assuming he'd be losing at all. I was merely advocating a "safe bet" opening that would avoid the OP being on the wrong end of early annihilations of the kind shown in the example game. Besides, the London is at worst equal for white, so its benefits likely outweigh its limitations at the beginner level.


If my memory of being a complete and utter patzer serves, (I'm still this at very short time controls), calculation in the opening could be highly stressful and make your head swim before the game had even really begun. Systems such as the London remove this stress and requirement for calculation. I'd rarely play it now, but as a beginner it sidestepped a lot of theory and allowed me to focus on tactics.

When you're talking about your head swimming and stress you mean that the opening is taking too much time of your clock? Because the simple solution to that is to play even longer games and get some experience so that you can calculate more quickly.

I also really like Chessoaths argument. If you're playing opponents of a similair rating they will screw up the opening as much as you. That takes away a lot of the point of playing systems in my opinion.

I'm not advocating that beginners play the sharpest lines of the sicilian. But I feel trying to really fight for the advantage in a principled way should be good for beginners. Even if you lose in the opening you can always learn something from it....

I guess everyone has their own opinion on it. Ultimately beginner's should however they please of course ;) and having fun while doing it!

Don't look for an opening to improve your rating.

Endgame.  Tactics.  Tactics.  Tactics.  Endgame.  Tactics.  Positional theory.  Tactics.  Tactics.

When you are finished with that, study some more tactics... then look into openings.



ChessOath wrote:

You're quite possibly looking in the wrong place (openings). Whether you are or not, expect comments saying that you are.

Assuming that openings are your problem, may I ask what you currently play?

french defence as black..


muthu-vkp1989 wrote:

ChessOath wrote:

You're quite possibly looking in the wrong place (openings). Whether you are or not, expect comments saying that you are.

Assuming that openings are your problem, may I ask what you currently play?

french defence as black..

kings pawn opening as white...sir


Diakonia wrote:

You have been a member for 2 years, and played:

719 games of blitz

1 game of standard

3 games of Correspondance chess.  None went past 4 moves.  

There is no Opening that will improve your rating.  What you need to do is:

1. Follow Opening Principles

Control the center.

Develop towards the center.


Connect your rooks.

2. Tactics...tactics...tactics...

3. Lay off the blitz, and bullet.  

can i play 30 min games..instead of 5 to 10 min games?...


Well, those openings are fine of course. I don't know how you respond to 1...e5 but I would recommend either the Italian or the King's Gambit (whichever you aren't playing now). I believe that those are the most principled in terms of simple development of piece. Don't focus on openings though, just get the main ideas. You can't go wrong with trying out 1...e5 with Black. Your results might take a slight hit at first as your f7 pawns gets battered, but that will help you to develop as a player quickly.

Like I said though, don't focus too much on openings.

muthu-vkp1989 wrote:

can i play 30 min games..instead of 5 to 10 min games?...

I'm not sure exactly what this question means. Of course you can and yes that's about what he's suggesting you should do. The 15|10 format is reasonable. Maybe post some of your losses in the forum for critisism too. Give your own basic analysis/thoughts on your moves/what was going on then see what better players have to say.