
Chess rating system




I'd assume many ratings are off anyway.  Myself, life comes first, so I often resign due to the kid or wife needing me, etc.  Also, at times I'm playing to work on something, and if the game gets away from that, I'll resign and start a new one.  My opponent wins, I get to move on.  Win win.

justice_avocado wrote:
1361 is higher than 1200. this isn't golf.



My automatic rating was 800. wierd

I have a friend here in who has increased his rating from 1373 to 2153 in just 4 months. How is that possible?

my rating started at 800


Once I watched a movie that shows a boy playing a game of chess. he suffers a penalty and is required to move his king a house further. what would be a penalty ends up favoring him in the match.

does anybody knows the name of this movie?


MickyBJ wrote:

Why then did I go down from 1200 (to 1361) when I beat someone who has a rating above 1200 (1089)?? Admittedly don't have time to read the article... but hoping someone knows how this works anyway!

Umm.. Elo rating systems work as higher = better.


1200 = poorer;    1300 = better

Hjaltland wrote:

1200 = poorer;    1300 = better






if you make your account and set that you are a new in chess you start with 800  ranking if you set you are a begginer you start with 1200 ... so taht should be why but also if this are your first games is not too accurate the ranking is just an starting point  over the 25 games your ranking is more like it should be


How do I change my level from intermediate to beginner ?  And how do you forfeit on here because I just got humbled pretty fast, lol.


Raise the white flag.


lol yeah I found the forfeit button, now if I can just change my status to beginner all will be well with the world 


Go to Learn, Puzzles(Tactics), and spend some time there. Go to Learn, Openings and spend some time there. Learn, learn, learn. You won't be a Beginner much longer anyway. Good luck. Try not to move a piece somewhere you know you will have to move it back, as you lose a move that way. Stay ahead. Develop your center. Learn more and play less. Playing is not as fun as winning.


Thanks for the feedback friend, I will do just that, have a good one


Is there any inflation in rating system last 2-3 months? I have increased my rating by 100-150 points with no training and learning so much. I see Nakamura has reached 3200+, other players have 3000+ too.

How do you think?


joeyson wrote:

wow ppl

just play

ratings dont even matter

But you don't play


Two-minute games and the likes can change a person's ratings very quickly.  Quite a few games can be played in a day.

Should there be a limit on how many points a person can move up in a day? They would say no, because they work hard for the abilities to play so fast.