


Why is it that the absolute majority of players here have poor etiquette?

I find that only a handful of players I encounter can actually resign and are well mannered and sociable.

I don't expect resignations in every instance as there are some reasons to continue.

I hate most though that those non resigners sometimes get that little time victory via clock depletion or a fortunate mate via myself pre-moving to save seconds and blowing my position.

Congrats to them but do they have to then start communicating with you with vile comments or childish mocking.

What happend to "gg and rematch" or even a "sorry bud"?

I also dislike that players leave games or stay and timeout in similar instances like losing their Queen for a Knight with loads of time left on clock.

When i check their profile and their are comments running back years with them displaying this behaviour but they aren't punished for their actions.

It really sours the experience of playing so i'll most likely be leaving soon