So far 5, and black won every one
Computer vs Computer

White does have a small first-move advantage.
You can do simulations to prove the first-move advantage, but five games isn't near enough to draw any conclusions. With this computer, who knows? Maybe it does play better with Black, but that would just prove that the computer ain't right in the head.

How did you make two bots play against each other?
My guess is the old trick of two accounts (hopefully not owned by the same person). Account 1 plays the comp as White, Account 2 plays the comp as Black. The two human players just relay the comps' moves, and the result is that the comps end up playing a game between the two comps.

How did you make two bots play against each other?
My guess is the old trick of two accounts (hopefully not owned by the same person). Account 1 plays the comp as White, Account 2 plays the comp as Black. The two human players just relay the comps' moves, and the result is that the comps end up playing a game between the two comps.
I was hoping there was a more simple way to do it than manually moving the pieces >-<

How did you make two bots play against each other?
My guess is the old trick of two accounts (hopefully not owned by the same person). Account 1 plays the comp as White, Account 2 plays the comp as Black. The two human players just relay the comps' moves, and the result is that the comps end up playing a game between the two comps.
I was hoping there was a more simple way to do it than manually moving the pieces >-<
Sure, if you have engines that conform to UCI or Winboard standards, there are GUIs that can run engine vs. engine tournaments. I'm assuming that the computer doesn't conform to either standard.

How did you make two bots play against each other?
On the mobile app, you can make 2 computers play against each other. Setting them on level 9 gives the computers (according to the app) a rating of exactly 2000
According to Enderman1323, the computers are exactly the rating of 2000 at level 9, so make a new thread in which you use level tens please.

According to Enderman1323, the computers are exactly the rating of 2000 at level 9, so make a new thread in which you use level tens please.
1. I am OP (XD)
2. I was using the level 10 computers, not the level 9

One place to get data on this is the recent chess engine competition (see here).
Unfortunately I haven't seen a summary for the full competition, but I have stats for the Super-Final (20 games between the best engines).
For the Super-Final tournament:
Draws: 75%
Wins as White: 10%
Wins as Black: 15%
Average game length: 199.5 ply (100 moves)
This is not a lot of games, but no White advantage was detected from these games.
Recently I have been wondering whether there is an advantage to playing one color rather than the other. An obvious (but probably wrong) assumption is that white has an advantage due to moving first. I decided to test this by pitting two expert level computers against each other in the play "Vs. Computer" mode here on I found that every time so far, black won. Does this mean that black has an advantage over white? Or does it just mean that the computer plays better as black?
Here is one of the games I did: