
CrystalMoon Locked my Topic!


It was a reasonable decision, and you're just doing your job.

At the same time, the people up the food chain, who set priorities, are goofballs.

Well, I'm sure Erik is laughing all the way to the bank, but personal (and short term) enrichment doesn't have to be #1.

Username333 ,erm, it's actually CrystalMoon

It was also discussing cheating, which is against policy - do that in the Cheating Discussion Club, not in the public forums.

David, moderator


Sure, it mentioned cheating, but mostly I was amazed at how well that guy played... what a great player right? Maybe you, David, should send him an invite to a Titled Tuesday event.

Well, I guess he's only rated 1000 bullet.

Ok, maybe get Rex Sinquefield to invite him to a super tournament.

What do you think about that?


Oh, but just a minor stipulation. Whatever money he wins comes out of Erik's paycheck. Also it's illegal to mention or imply "cheating" lol


It's against policy to accuse someone of cheating - it doesn't really matter if you're pretending not to do so while actually doing so.

I am now locking this thread as well.


David, moderator

This forum topic has been locked