
Databases, lower than master


Any tips on databses searchable by elo or level that have a respectable sample size for lower level games?  Free better than paid, cheap better than expensiave, but all types considered.

I love chess365 opening explorer and others like it, but my game has more in common with a orangutan's thaa it does with a masters.   Ive heard some video instructors say things like "This scores the highest in my database for club players(or c level players or some other designation)."  And  I always think, "What database is that?  I could kill some serious time there."   Ive seen some places that have levels but they only go down to 2000-2200 and others with like a thousand computer games against scrubs, but nothing that really feels like it fits the bill.

...and I know I should just be working on tactics at my level; I am, but its my time, lemme waste some of it if I want.


The TWIC PGNs often include lower rated games.