
disadvantage of vacation


iwk, I was with you up til your last 1 1/4 posts.  I think you made your point in the next-to-last post and most of us (I think) would say you had class.  It just went downhill from there...  I'm just saying...


Okay fine then I'll delete that post then. This Nikhsahi guy annoyed me with all this now that it made me sink to this cry baby's level.


You state...

"Now as for the game with you Nikhsahi, I never even noticed that I was going to lose in one more move at all."

As a 1700 rated player, do you expect anyone to believe that?


If you have 150 games going at once and you say it's too much to handle, DON'T PLAY 150 GAMES AND ABUSE VACATION BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING TO LOSE! Simple and easy. There is absolutely no reason why a person needs to play 150 games at the same time.


It doesn't matter the rating or ur level, I had lots of other games going on and I never noticed that I was playing him specifically. Now I've seen players at my age playing two hundred games and even more than that. I didn't mean that it is just to much to handle, I meant that at this stage it is. It isn't abuse of vacation time and I know the rules. Just please try to understand. Your friends aren't always going to be right. Oldhastonian, you kind of made yourself look ridiculous by what you said. It could be a GM and it would still be perfectly fine. Ohsnapzbrah has a point though when he said that there is no reason that a player should play 150 games at the same time. He is right about that although it is not violating any rules but I won't make that mistake again and ill play a lot less games than that next time.


Strictly speaking, the purpose of making an appeal to the staff on a game such as the one discussed here is not necessarily to report the vacationing player for abuse, but more aptly to simply finish the game whose conclusion is foregone.

The vacationing player probably should not be punished, because the reason for the vacation could be perfectly legitimate. However, an entire tournament should not be delayed by one game that is one move from surely finishing, so the staff can be petitioned for an expedited result for that game only, and once that is done, all is well.


Thank you whirlwind. You are completely right, so now that I knew that I was one move away from losing and then I resigned. But starting to make a big deal out of it and posting a topic on a single game? Completely ridiculous.


ok one simple question?

your able to find this forum and have time to post,but dont have time to play?


and one more thing i contacted you and you deleted those notes then only i posted here.there is nothing wrong here and no one here immature.

i resigned all my 200 games becasue i cant handle my rating comes to 1200.

i never seaid anyone i have 200 game so cant move .

simpley my friend if you cant handle why your playing,and your saying one move left to loose and you you didnt noticed??anyone beleive that??

...anyway bo one heartfeelings words 

my intention was good only.

important thing is i contacted you before all this.

have a great games on vacation!


It's more than that. As soon as I get off vacation and start making moves then some players will move the minute that I make a move and I won't have time to do anything other than stay online all day. Some games are only twenty four hours on your clock and I won't join those a lot anymore but I did now and that is how things standed. I didn't violate any rules you just tried to make it seem like I did because you weren't patient. This is a busy time for me so accept it like all the others are. Just like I accept it when others are on vacation too.


I thought it was mistake at first because I didn't even know who you are. I had more than 150 games going. You have less than ten. Why would I focus only on our game and have to know the current position? I can't remember 150 positions all at once. And you should've messaged me not write on my wall.


That's why I deleted your posts because I didn't know who you are and I thought it was a complete mistake. Anyways I wanted to ask, does anyone know how I can allow only my friends to write things on my wall and not people I don't know? Thanks.


@IWK: Hover over HOME, click Account, and then click Privacy. At the Notes pull-down menu, select the option you want.


man i told you i contacted giving game link

you deleted those notes.

if your busy carryon.

i have patients and good intention that is why i contacted you ,otherwise i could post here without contacting you right?

dont say that i didnt notice i am going to loose it in one move.

Dear friend.

i am not trying to abuse you,till that time you were playing fast with that last move you went on vacation. for more than 20 days i waited then i contacted you,you avoid that -just deleted that .so i thought your intentionally doing that .i am not trying to abuse you at any level.

problem is solved.

i cleared my part.


Dear friend stop talking about 150 games.walls and notes are for contacting .how you can think it is a mistake?

i was playing 200+ games  i cant handle so i resigned all that is why now less than 10 and rating is 1200.

so dont talk about your 150 games.

in my case there was winning and loosing games.i am not asking you to resign.


if you more problems with me you can block me


Thank you whirlwind, now just because you resigned your two hundred games, doesn't mean I have to do the same thing. So I resigned our game and you got what you wanted yay.


hello that is why i said "i am not asking you to resign"

stop talking rubbish

150 games your playing and you cant handle,what your talking man.

stop talking about 150 games.

you thought notes are by mistake that with game link,

you didnt notice your loosing 

your playing 150 games


stop talking rubbish 

if your busy go and do your work .dont have to comment and waste time.or play in that time.

you have time to comment but dont have time to play


ya i got what i want.

so dont talk rubbish to me

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