"how do I make some of these positions happen?" ++ It is your opponent who is careless and makes a mistake. It is your job to spot the tactic and exploit it.
"Grabbing the center" ++ Yes, central pieces have more possibilities.
"minimizing doubled pawns" ++ No, on the contrary: a doubled pawn gives you an open file which opens tactical possibilities for your rooks.
"Or do they require careful planning to make happen deliberately?"
++ No you cannot plan the mistake of your opponent.
"Is that what the art of combinations is?" ++ No, it is seizing the opportunities you get.
"recognizing when opportunities occur" ++ Yes.
"no advance planning" ++ You cannot plan tactics.
I've been boning up on tactical themes and recognition, but how do I make some of these positions happen?
Are they the result of proper positioning on the board? Grabbing the center, minimizing doubled pawns, etc.?
Or do they require careful planning to make happen deliberately? Is that what the art of combinations is?
OR is the first step just recognizing when opportunities occur?
The latter happened to me in a game recently. I was able to implement a discovered attack by seeing it, but I didn't plan it in advance. I was able to plan some moves once I did see it, but again...no advance planning.