
How do I create a FEN string?


JCapanegra, yes I understand FEN strings & PGN files pretty well by now but it wasn't clear what you meant by 'nothing in the middle'. I wasn't sure if you thought the game should have continued or not.


Sorry Stephen.... I mean just this:

"7k/p1r2b2/5q2/1p1p1pR1/5P2/P7/1P2Q2P/1K4R1 w - -  32"

"7k/p1r2b2/5q2/1p1p1p1R/5P2/P7/1P2Q2P/1K4R1 b - -  32"

"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -  1"

"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3  1"

instead of this:

"7k/p1r2b2/5q2/1p1p1pR1/5P2/P7/1P2Q2P/1K4R1 w - -  32"

"7k/p1r2b2/5q2/1p1p1p1R/5P2/P7/1P2Q2P/1K4R1 b - -  32"

"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -  1" 

"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3  1"

Its seems stupid difference, but pgntofen shows as the 1st one and is better to my purpose.

Sorry.... no important. 


That's clearer now!   Smile


Hi, when creating a FEN strings. Can I indicated that the position is at a certain move number ?

Say, white to play at move 34 ? 

SaxJazz wrote:

Hi, when creating a FEN strings. Can I indicated that the position is at a certain move number ?

Say, white to play at move 34 ? 

Sure. Here's an example FEN:

r1bqk2r/p1ppbppp/2n2n2/Pp2p3/4P3/2N2N2/1PPP1PPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq b6 0 6


In this example, the fullmove number is the last number in the FEN string. Both sides still have castling rights, and Black has just played 5...b7b5. Since White can capture en passant on the next move, there is an active en passant square on b6. The zero (the next to last number) is the halfmove clock, which indicates the number of halfmoves (ply) since the last pawn advance or capturing move. (Because Black has just moved a pawn, the halfmove clock is at 0.)


In this example, if both sides had lost castling rights, you would substitute a single dash for "KQkq", and if there was no possibility of an en passant capture on the next move, you would substitute a second dash for "b6".


 Can anyone tell me the Fen string is for 1.e4e5, sorry but this honestly seems to be the most complicated system.


SheldonOfOsaka wrote:

 Can anyone tell me the Fen string is for 1.e4e5, sorry but this honestly seems to be the most complicated system.


The FEN string is for a position.  Starting on the 8th rank (normal top of printed diagram) from files a-h, lower case letters are used for Black pieces and UPPER CASE for White.  A slash "/" separates the ranks, ending with the first rank.


This is the FEN string after 1. e4 e5.  First is the position, white moves next, both sides can castle to either wing, if an en passent capture is possible it will be on e6, there have been zero ply since the last pawn move or any capture, and White is about to play the second move.


rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6 0 2


This is a link for more information: what-is-pgn-fen

wbport wrote:
SheldonOfOsaka wrote:

 Can anyone tell me the Fen string is for 1.e4e5, sorry but this honestly seems to be the most complicated system.


The FEN string is for a position.  Starting on the 8th rank (normal top of printed diagram) from files a-h, lower case letters are used for Black pieces and UPPER CASE for White.  A slash "/" separates the ranks, ending with the first rank.


This is the FEN string after 1. e4 e5.  First is the position, white moves next, both sides can castle to either wing, if an en passent capture is possible it will be on e6, there have been zero ply since the last pawn move or any capture, and White is about to play the second move.


rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6 0 2


This is a link for more information: what-is-pgn-fen


Thanks for you attention, I went into the analyze section and figured out how to generate it, but doing it myself still seems impossible. Cheers again for your help!!!