
How do you get better at chess quickly?


I am little bit elo want help training


Believe inyourself (no really)


You DON'T get better at chess quickly. There is no Royal Road to chess mastery.

You get better at chess by improving your situational awareness, so that you AVOID making silly mistakes, and so that you can SPOT the opponent's mistakes and punish them.

You get better at chess by looking over your lost games and trying to figure out why you lost each one.

You get better at chess by playing over complete master games, from move 1 to resigns, and trying to figure out why they played THOSE moves.


The biggest reason people struggle in lower-level chess is because of blunders. They make them in almost every game.

A mistake can instantly put you in a bad position, no matter how well you played earlier: if you had great opening knowledge, great positional skills, great endgame skills, whatever; a single mistake can change everything (you lose a piece or get checkmated).

So, how do you avoid blunders? Follow this simple algorithm:

While avoiding blunders is crucial, I also share a few basic principles with my students. These principles help them figure out what to do in each part of the game - the opening, the middlegame, and the endgame. Understanding these simple principles is like having a map for your moves. I provide my students with more advanced algorithms that incorporate these fundamental principles. When you use this knowledge along with being careful about blunders, you're not just getting better at defending. You're also learning a well-rounded approach to chess. Keep in mind, chess is not just about not making mistakes; it's about making smart and planned moves to outsmart your opponent.

  1. Take your opponent's pieces when he drops them.
  2. Don't drop your own pieces.
  3. Don't drop or miss mate. 

After that, you will be well on your way.

Endgame piece activity in order: Q, R, K, B/N


There's a secret exercise I do each day called a chess-up. It's hard to do chess-ups at first, but, as with all exercises, it gets easier. The more chess-ups you do, the more you improve. If you send me a plush Mittens, I'll send you the secret to doing chess-ups, along with my guide to meeting hot MILFs in your neighborhood.

StockfishThinksImStupid wrote:

Believe inyourself (no really)

YES! I believe in myself and have climbed almost 100 rating points in less than 2 weeks!


Only if you are very talented! Mic drop!

cornbeefhashvili wrote:
  1. Take your opponent's pieces when he drops them.
  2. Don't drop your own pieces.
  3. Don't drop or miss mate. 

After that, you will be well on your way.

Endgame piece activity in order: Q, R, K, B/N

Well, it's start albeit humble.


I guess you could jog while playing slightly better this time than last time...


Kidnap magnus and force him to lose 3000 times so that ur rating can shoot up to 2500


The quickest way to get better at chess is to play, and to analyse your lost games.
If you learn something from each lost game, then you get better fast.


I think: only if you are happy, you can do a very good chess match; but in isn't only the happiest: you will be also optimistic (sorry for my English)