
How is this even possible?!?!?! Please, can someone explain this?!


The idiot is back!  The idiot is back!  Oh happy day!  The idiot is back!

Where have you been man?  You are a local treasure.  Place gets dull w/o you and certain folks around :-)


6...h6 falls into 7.Bxh6 6...g6 weakens black squares.white can prepare an attack by playing h2-h4-h5 opening needs calculation but ofcourse white is a pawn ahead with initiative.specially considering he has an extra pawn in center which cramps black position and white controls the center.


As black I want to play d5.  So Re8 first to prepare it.  (Remember, ignore your opponent and try to do what you want instead).

Surprisingly the computer says d5 can be played as early as that!  Re8 then d5 (I thought it would take more time).  Although it gets very tactical if black plays it right away, so this would only be if you prepared it in advance.  Luckily black can take his time and prep it until he's comfortable.


Or more likely... if he's playing the pawn sac to begin with, he'd probably go for the tactics.  This would be a good blitz line for black IMO.


But why even sacrifice the pawn ? It gives White material compensation for shuffling his queen around. There is no need to do that.

Just the standard line is good enough to ensure a comfortable equality in less than ten moves. If you can find a reasonable opening that does the same for Black, tell me.


Honestly, the moves were very weak, indeed. But you won, and you deserve congratulations. Tartacover said that the loser was the one doing the last error : he was.

But strongers players would resign after losing two pieces, as it was the case after six moves. No : stronger players wouldn't have lost two pieces so fast.

Try to continue, anyway, and you'll find very big pleasure in chess, and with your level higher and higher.


In the Parham, I play 2... Nc6 the SIFI (Set it and Forget it) CounterAttack.

After 3. Nf6 you have a Two Knights Defense and the Queen goes from being just wayward to a wayward street walker (i.e she gets [CENSORED] by the entire opposing army.

Gee, sounds like the American Military in a way as of recent.

Brennon_Huff wrote:

Irontiger, 5 is Ne2 for white otherwise black has Nd4, and lets the night become active letting white continue good development and keep attacking. As I said Im not as familiar with the 2. ...Nf6 line  but Ill look more into it.

1-That's not the 2...Nf6 line.

2-So, 5.Ne2 deciding that the queen was made to impede the development :


On around 1000 rating, it is usually the player who hangs his queen (or alot of material) first, who loses. Usually.

Brennon_Huff wrote:

I wasnt talking about the 2...Nf6 line, but anyway, Bxe6 isnt the correct continuation of that line either. After d3 Bg7 white continues to develop while black tries to castle with 8. Nc3 Qe7 9. Bg5 0-0 10. 0-0-0 and white can start to attack the kingside of black. I just put in the moves you said, but I believe personally Qe7 is useless for black.

You got the move order wrong : 8.Nc3 ? Nb4 and White must give up castling rights to defend c2. Another great advantage of getting the queen out. So 8.Bg5 must be played before that which allows ...h6 ; ...g5 if the bishop retreats, and if (8...h6) 9.Bxf6 Qxf6 10.Qxf6 Black enjoys a microscopic advantage in the endgame (pair of bishop if White does not trade on e6, and f file + central control if he does). Anyways, that's at best equal, which is much less that what White wants.

The ...Qe7 idea was to answer 8.0-0, but at second look there is better (see diagram below).

Remember, you claimed it was a good opening, hence you must prove White ends up with advantage or at least black must fight for the equality. I just threw out random moves without deep analysis, while you are (I suppose) familiar with the opening. I fail to be impressed.

Brennon_Huff wrote:

I didnt look into it too deep but it looks like youre right about Nbc3 being bad there. White looks like hes doing well after 0-0 but for move 8 id have to go with g4 making Bg5 a threat again so white may then play Nbc3 and 0-0-0 after.

Sorry, did I read well ? 8.g4, losing another tempo to weaken squares ?

You could have told sooner you were just trolling, we wouldn't have lost time.

8.g4 d5 and White is going to have a very hard fight for the draw - trading everything on d5 does not help, you end up in the next diagram where if White is not losing by force he is very lucky.


Red 10. Bg5 Qb4+ 11. Nbc3 d4 wins a piece.

Brennon_Huff wrote:

Why would white trade on d5? Youre just playing for white as someone who wants to get all the pieces off the board.

With a queen in the wild, an uncastled king and an undeveloped queenside after the glorious moves 2.Qh5, 6.h3 and 8.g4, White indeed wants to trade everything.

The only other viable option after 8.g4 ? d5 is 9.Bb5 where Black has the choice between 9...Qd6 and 9...d5 (freezing the center, but impeding further White's development). Both are more than comfortable for Black.

EDIT : didn't see LoekBergman's analysis. I promise I did not copy.

Irontiger wrote:
Brennon_Huff wrote:

Why would white trade on d5? Youre just playing for white as someone who wants to get all the pieces off the board.

With a queen in the wild, an uncastled king and an undeveloped queenside after the glorious moves 2.Qh5, 6.h3 and 8.g4, White indeed wants to trade everything.

The only other viable option after 8.g4 ? d5 is 9.Bb5 where Black has the choice between 9...Qd6 and 9...d5 (freezing the center, but impeding further White's development). Both are more than comfortable for Black.

Your sharp bite made me laugh again! :-)


You are correct that Qb4+ is not the proper answer. Next try.

By the way, I am not very charmed of h3. Nbc3 or d3 might be more appropriate.

Brennon_Huff wrote:

Bg5 works fine.

The whole idea of 9...Qe7 is of course 10...Nd7, not 10...Qb4+ ? that loses a piece, where the ...Qb4+ threat becomes serious.

LongIslandMark wrote:
Is the Parham inherently weak, or is it in ill-repute because mostly lower-rated players use it?


Brennon_Huff wrote:

It is in ill-repute because mostly lower-rated players use it.

... which in turn comes from the fact that it is really weak.
