
How many puzzles per day?


I have recently started playing chess again on a new account (this one) and I'm trying to improve and potentially reach 1500+ rapid aswell? How many puzzles should I do per day approximately?


Well ... I would not set a number, but a time as a goal.

For example if you do puzzles for a quarter hour every day.

Because if you do a puzzle that your brain has already "learned" and you solve it almost instantly, thats great but doesnt really teach you anything new. While solving a single puzzle that you have never encountered before can improve your overall awareness of tactics, even if it takes five minutes to solve.

The time must be chosen such that you can keep your motivation longterm to do these puzzles. The goal is that you can recognize these patterns even when they become part of longer calculations.

By the way if you do puzzles on lichess, I also do a second sweep there. I.e. after you did a couple of puzzles, just click on the icons the site shows for each puzzle, which you may or may not have solved the first time, and solve them a second time. This helps remembering them better. Unfortunately other sites dont have this functionality.


4 puzzles is a good warm-up before you play.


3-8 is good generally


Damn I thought I should be doing more thanks yall