
How much does a candidate master earn a year?


Anyone know?


Just for having the title? $0

They can win prizes in tournaments or get paid for teaching lessons.


How much on average do candidate masters earn a year? Grand masters earn an average of almost $540,000 a year what about candidate masters

TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

How much on average do candidate masters earn a year? Grand masters earn an average of almost $540,000 a year what about candidate masters

So you think becoming a Grandmaster automaticly comes with a (according to your post very nice) salary?
Although some top grandmasters can become wealthy from chess, this is not the reality for most GMs. Many have to combine various income sources to generate a comfortable living, and many have jobs outside the chess world to make ends meet.

They don’t get anything, in fact they have to pay for the privilege, although sometimes the federation pays the fee, if they’re really lucky.
As to the 540k average earnings of a GM. This figure is massively overstated. Like wildly. The average GM finds it rather hard to earn a living from playing chess. Most (of the ones that don’t have a regular day-job) teach and/or write courses and books.
TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

Grand masters earn an average of almost $540,000 a year...



Depends what day job they have lol


I meant based on their skill level. GMs are obviously better than CMs, and the $540k is the amount they earn in tournaments. How much would a CM earn from tournaments


Depends. From playing tournaments only? Maybe a few hundred bucks a year, minus expenses.

If they are hot and run a successful "chess" channel up to 6 digits.

If they happen to be the CEO of a tech company ... much more

TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

I meant based on their skill level. GMs are obviously better than CMs, and the $540k is the amount they earn in tournaments. How much would a CM earn from tournaments

They would be very successful if they make back their entry fees.

Most tournaments depend completely on entry fees for funding their prizes.


Don't know

TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

Grand masters earn an average of almost $540,000 a year

I'm sure you've either misread or misunderstood something.

TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

I meant based on their skill level. GMs are obviously better than CMs, and the $540k is the amount they earn in tournaments. How much would a CM earn from tournaments

They don't earn even close to this.

Some of the top players can get to this in tournaments because they get invites to top tournaments (I am only sure that world champion and the challenger earn a lot more than this because of the reward from that match).

Basically only super GMs, AKA players rated over 2 700, which is roughly around top 30 in the world, earn enough to make a good living, and still most of them are not close to 500 K per year.

Most of regular GM's, which is like 95% of GMs, can't live of tournament winnings. They have to do something else chess related to earn a living (books, courses, teaching, streaming, etc).

The same goes for lower rated masters.

TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

... and the $540k is the amount they earn in tournaments. .

We're asking where you get THIS nonsense.

There are just over 2,000 GMs in the world. At your claimed $540,000 per year average income, that means that they must earn a total of over ONE BILLION dollars annually.

So even if GMs won all of the prize money in every chess tournament, so that none of the prize money ever went to non-GMs, you would still need to show us a list of chess tournaments totaling more than a billion dollars worth prize money, per year.

You can't be serious.

TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

I meant based on their skill level. GMs are obviously better than CMs, and the $540k is the amount they earn in tournaments. How much would a CM earn from tournaments

Most titled players are not making hardly any money with chess. If you saw that average somewhere, it's getting skewed by the top players earnings.

Martin_Stahl wrote:
TheGreatGodsGambit wrote:

I meant based on their skill level. GMs are obviously better than CMs, and the $540k is the amount they earn in tournaments. How much would a CM earn from tournaments

Most titled players are not making hardly any money with chess. If you saw that average somewhere, it's getting skewed by the top players earnings.

The kid probably read an article about the 2023 tournament earnings of Magnus Carlsen.


Sorry guys, I checked the source where I got the 540k from, seems kinda sketchy. I found this which seems a bit more reasonable. Does $20k to $75k sound reasonable to you guys