
How to make money to travel and play?


I am FM/ 2300.

How do we make money to travel and play?

any ideas?

Charlie101 wrote:

I am FM/ 2300.

How do we make money to travel and play?

any ideas?


Most people can't and have a regular job in order to travel and play events. Coaching as mentioned in post 2 is an option, if you are a good communicator and have the time to take on students. 



Man, we are the ones that should be asking you that question...


I only know how to spend the cash. This time of the year traveling to Slovenia and very excited about upcoming trip . If you're embarking on a road trip through Slovenia, a vignette is essential This toll sticker grants you access to the motorways and ensures compliance with local laws. It's a minor but crucial part of your travel preparations.


You mean you didn't have the foresight to be born to rich parents?

It's a good question you ask... It boils down to asking what can I do that I probably won't like in order to do what I do like. Economist theorists have described the alienation of modern work. Hunter gatherer didn't experience alienation, neither did they play chess.

One answer is try and conceive of a trajectory in life that doesn't involve so much chess. Few people can make it a self-funding pursuit including very strong players. It is possible there is something more profound you want to do with your life that you haven't discovered yet or are pushing into the background. Maybe something that serves others as well as bringing forth your true nature.

Transcendental meditation is said to be a means of discovering what it is you should be doing in life as a vocation. It helped me.


#5 Ziggy_Zugwang wrote -Transcendental meditation is said to be a means of discovering what it is you should be doing in life as a vocation.

But what if it goes wrong ? I seem to recall certain instances of people spending decades "discovering " up poles and such . Or was that success ?

# 3 - Nailed it .

RS1650-4K wrote:

#5 Ziggy_Zugwang wrote -Transcendental meditation is said to be a means of discovering what it is you should be doing in life as a vocation.

But what if it goes wrong ? I seem to recall certain instances of people spending decades "discovering " up poles and such . Or was that success ?

What if it goes wrong?

You reincarnate as a third rate comedian in Peru...but the risk might be worth it... :-)


Chess is dead boring, that's why there is no money in it. Given chess players are supposed to be so smart, some clearly haven't figured that out yet.


Consider freelancing online, offering skills like writing or design. Research opportunities through platforms like Naukrigulf reviews to find positions suitable for your goals. With determination and strategic financial management, you can fund your adventures while enjoying life to the fullest.

Tychooju12 wrote:

Normal people go to a certain place. The grown-ups call it work. There you can earn some money usually by being exploited by big corporations.

Chess masters usually run channels on youtube where they teach infantile opening traps or convince naive viewers that everybody can become a GM if they work hard.

You sound like someone's angry dad. Did you forget to take your meds today? They're on the shelf, waiting for you. Maybe you ran out and need a refill?


Go to job. Become a lawyer...


Nakamura and others have already explained it quite well.

Unless you are top of the world super gm, you will not make a living out of playing chess in tournaments etc.

Which is why you find many titled players teaching at schools, writing articles, creating courses, privately tutoring pupils for $$ per hour, becoming youtubers / streamers, commentating events, etc.

Anything you can think about, EXCEPT actual chess tournie playing xD

For example, many years ago, in my country of origin, I had a colleague in IT who had played chess when he was young, but stopped short of completing the norms to become an IM. The reason? Money. He needed to put food on the table and being an IM / FM basically made him almost nothing from playing. Money he would get from sporadic teaching of chess was not enough either. So he went into IT.