
I am entering a chess tournament and i need tips.


Do not worry about your opponents style of play-- play your style. Practice and play opening lines that agree with your style of play.

Keep a "positive attitude"-- it will provide you that extra "energy" to find the right moves or even the "only move" in critical situations.

An example of a positive approach would be knowing your opponents rating/experience: If his rating is high, figure that he will take you for granted and underestimate your abilities. If his rating is low, figure that he will underestimate his own ability to beat you and probably not find the best moves to beat you.

Most of all-- have fun!!!Laughing




don't let your opponent rattle you just keep thinking how can i move best


Think before you move. Don't worry about your time.

Bring a chess board for practice between games.

In a difficult position, analyse the position, then find the best move.

If you're nervous, take a deep breath and say to yourself "I will win this"

tuesdays_child wrote:

Try hiding an extra queen up your sleeve.

 What's that supposed to mean?

tuesdays_child wrote:

Try hiding an extra queen up your sleeve.

 What's that supposed to mean?

Chess equivalent of hiding an ace in your sleeve in poker.


Don't ever play for a draw. What I've realized is that once I go for a draw, I start making bad moves when I might have still had a chance. Just play seriously and take the draw, if you want, only if the situation presents itself.


thank u everyone ur comments helped me a lot!

Bingat29 wrote:

How to prepare. Just play and analyze some games with annotations, of your favorite openings playing black or white.  This will remind you of the thought process of grandmasters.  Sleep early.  Take a bath and with wear freash and neat clothes, eat a hearty meal before going to the tournament, and do not forget to drink your vitamins.  Bring some oat meal crackers and real bottled fruit juices during the game.  You will need these.  An empty stomach is an empty brain. 

During the game.  Before making a move.  Look at the four corners of the board, to check for pieces with long range effectiveness, like bishops, rooks and queen.   Write down your move, take a deep breath, look again, and when sure it is not a blunder, move rapidly with confidence and hit the clock hard almost instantly.  This helps induce your opponent to move rapidly too, without much thinking. If you make a bad move do not show your disgust.  This will encourage your opponent to look for your mistake.  Remember, to make your opponent believe that all your moves are brilliant.  Make those moves with confidence.

After the game.  If you lose.  forget the outcome.  Remember, there is no such thing as an undefeated chess player.  Even the greatest chess player lost to the mediocre.  This is a game of averages.  Just do the same routine and be ready for the next game.  If you win be humble and not be over confident.  Just do the same routine, like a robot and without emotions.

When I was young I have won a lot of tournaments by following this formula.  Its a pity, I abandoned my dreams of becoming a grandmaster.  Now that I am retired and 63 years old, can hardly concentrate and remember all the ropes of the came.   Hope it will work for you.



Today i have my fourth tournament i am 13, the prize is passing to the semifinals of my countries national tournament, i have won the first match and i have to play 4 more against much stronger players, i don't have elo yet, will i be sad if i loose, NO, every time you loose or miss a winning chance which happens a lot to me, i don't get too sad, because i allways play the same thing so if i loose, next time there will be no mystake, and i will win or draw, take every game as a learning posibility, and try to think twice every move if you have more than an hour, because if your mystake is pathetic then youll'be ssad.


If you come to chess tournaments scared of your opponents afraid of your own shadow because the other guy has a bigger rating than you or has a name you've lost without moving one single piece one look at your face and body language he's going to know it's over just like a boxer who looks across the ring and says I'm going to kill him and eat him alive.

Every tournament every game you should be fearless like Frank Marshall and Bobby Fischer if you lose go down fighting biting the other guys ankles before you tip the King if he looks worse than you and limps away from the board it's been a good day lick your wounds learn from your mistakes and go get em next time!

Remember Kids out there:

You haven't won a game until it's won you and you haven't lost it until you've been checkmated or tip your King even if your position looks hopeless search for swindles, game saving moves, combos, stalemate, tricks, forks, decoys, double checks  something the other guy overlooked!

If it draws and it's your only move play it a 1/2 point is better than a loss!

val08 wrote:

Don't ever play for a draw. What I've realized is that once I go for a draw, I start making bad moves when I might have still had a chance. Just play seriously and take the draw, if you want, only if the situation presents itself.

Whenever somebody higher rated than me doesn't accept my draw, I go rage mad, and my rage-mad has a 90% chance of winning them (In a losing position!!!)