
I think chess needs to be updated


I Think They Need An Update To En Passant So That All Pieces Are Allowed To Preform En Passant.



My idea.

Chess as a triathlon.

1 game of Western Chess.

1 game of Chinese Chess.

1 game of Backgammon as a tie breaker.

I call it The Gamesters of Triskelion. (From Star Trek).

Ghost_Horse0 wrote:

Getting rid of stalemate as a draw . . .

Already exists in Chinese Chess.

That's why I propose chess as a Triathlon.

BL4D3RUNN3R wrote:

Chess is pretty perfect.

Yes. Western Chess, the pieces are balanced and complementary.

But that is only one form of perfection.

Chinese Chess is closer to Chaturanga, and the Cannon is the ultimate piece. It moves directly but attacks indirectly. That's some Sun Tzu stuff.

Chinese Chess is also perfect.

AndBell wrote:

I think it would be cool if someone made chess an actual board game with real 3d chess pieces- like little horses for the knights and stuff- I mean it's a cool computer game and all, but imagine playing it in real life! Why has no one done that yet?

AndBell wrote:

Its absurd , because you kicked a soccer ball in your back yard as a kid are you going to propose changes to soccer?

Every game is a descendant of soccer.

Field hockey.

Ice hockey.

Basketball (vertical soccer).

Water polo.

The list goes on and on.

Put the dead goat in the circle.

Even chess.

