
I think the WCM title should not be given out anymore


I believe that there is a strong positive connotation that goes with "chess master", meaning that there needs to be a foundation for mastery of chess, and this WCM title is basically given to any woman who is an intermediate player at that given time. I have seen many WCMs who have just stayed at the 1700 or even lower and I think it brings down the connotation of the word "chess master" and those who can be called "master".

Please provide your opinions below


Everybody certainly cares what you think


it could be said that by most standards, 1700 is a rank of a master, just not a grand one

woollensock wrote:
Why does it matter to you ? 🤷‍♂️

Personally I just see no reason for this title to exist, besides giving motivation to female players which I understand, but the CM title is already there so why have a lower title that plays no purpose, but to restate this is all imo ofc

Laskersnephew wrote:

Everybody certainly cares what you think

The feeling is mutual


I would go even further as to eliminate Women's titles completely. Having separate titles for female players really sends out the wrong message - that one gender is better at the game than the other. 


now that they've changed the requirements for CM there is a giant difference between the skill level of a CM and a WCM


@jij2018, they think that your title is bogus., LOL. happy.png


I think the opening poster is wrong about everything.

The requirement of WCM is 2000 Elo, not 1700.

Furthermore, "candidate master" is not a master, only a candidate to become a master (just think about the Candidates' tournament - they are not world champions, but candidates to become one.)

rishabh11great wrote:
cerebov wrote:

I think the opening poster is wrong about everything.

The requirement of WCM is 2000 Elo, not 1700.

Furthermore, "candidate master" is not a master, only a candidate to become a master (just think about the Candidates' tournament - they are not world champions, but candidates to become one.)

Well, candidate master is a master, please check before u say, its a title.

It' s a title, but not a master. Obviously.

cerebov wrote:

I think the opening poster is wrong about everything.

The requirement of WCM is 2000 Elo, not 1700.

Furthermore, "candidate master" is not a master, only a candidate to become a master (just think about the Candidates' tournament - they are not world champions, but candidates to become one.)

i didn't think of it that way before... interesting...


I agree with the OP


I also think non brits or Americans should be able to get NM

cerebov wrote:

Furthermore, "candidate master" is not a master, only a candidate to become a master (just think about the Candidates' tournament - they are not world champions, but candidates to become one.)

Very true. Strange they named it CM and not Master Candidate. MC sounds a bit cooler too.

rishabh11great wrote:

Lol i first thought that this is @blueemu but its someone else

Lol, I first thought that this is Vishy Anand. But then I saw their rating. tongue.png


WCM is given out at 2000 FIDE. NM is given at 2200 USCF, which is 2000-2100 FIDE. If you want to abolish WCM, abolish NM also. I wonder how many Americans will be on board for that as well


NM is 209 ecf as well


FIDE should have a special kid title for ppl (maybe KM?) below 12 years old but once they are 13 they have to get another title would that make sense?

Jenium wrote:
cerebov wrote:

Furthermore, "candidate master" is not a master, only a candidate to become a master (just think about the Candidates' tournament - they are not world champions, but candidates to become one.)

Very true. Strange they named it CM and not Master Candidate. MC sounds a bit cooler too.

When Jon Ludvig Hammer made MC,  they changed it to CM to avoid trademark issues. 

rishabh11great wrote:
drmrboss wrote:

@jij2018, they think that your title is bogus., LOL.

Well,  I see that she is a strong player with FIDE of 2093 so why is she a WCM she should be a CM or a WFM, just see many are there with FIDE of 1200 or 1300 and so they should not be called as "masters" or i can say that i have beaten many masters and i am a "master".

She is a US NM (2200+); she just chose the WCM title for her profile instead.