
Im done. I can't get better at this game.


I give up. I just can't seem to improve at all and now everyone I face has 30,000 games played and just playing with pure deadly intention as though their lives will be lost if they lose a single god dm game. I shouldn't have to play at tournament level to maintain a low elo of 1300! I feel like it ruiins the fun of casual chess. Why is everyone, so serous about winning all the time? I say gg after its over and people can't even just have a friendly chat after. Just insults...

wishiwereficher wrote:

I give up. I just can't seem to improve at all ... Just insults...


We feel your pain

Also you probably meant Fischer instead of Ficher in your handle

wishiwereficher wrote:

I give up. I just can't seem to improve at all and now everyone I face has 30,000 games played and just playing with pure deadly intention as though their lives will be lost if they lose a single god dm game. I shouldn't have to play at tournament level to maintain a low elo of 1300! I feel like it ruiins the fun of casual chess. Why is everyone, so serous about winning all the time? I say gg after its over and people can't even just have a friendly chat after. Just insults...

I don't know what to tell you man, chess is a competitive game so people will play to win ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
If you want to engage in a less competitive hobby, you could try pottery, but I hear that can get pretty cut throat and intense as well.


Photography is a great hobby; really art in general.


'Chess is not for the faint-hearted' - Steinitz


The funny thing about all this is, you can play chess casually here. I very often do, not caring about the results, trying out things and losing elo.

But it's actually you who is so worried about your current elo and not improving like you think you should, which is stopping you from playing fun casual chess.